☆☆ wake up, its time for school ☆☆

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you woke up from a short nights rest, as you rubbed your eyes to try and wake yourself up

'ugh..' you groaned as you pushed your self up into a sitting position.

you reached over and grabbed your phone from your night stand and went to look at the time, blinding yourself from the brightness your phone let off. you squint as you lower it to see the time

{7:13am} you groan as you slept in longer than expected. you glance at your phone again and see that its Wednesday. its Wednesday. You look at your lock screen seeing the calendar widget you added to your phone:

 You look at your lock screen seeing the calendar widget you added to your phone:

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you loved when it was a posting day for the triplets. you admired one of the many pictured you had of matt for your lock screen for a second then put your phone down and got ready for school.

matt sturniolo was your glue to living life. he was all you talked about to your friends, they called you obsessed but you didn't care. like have they seen him. he was the most gorgeous boy you've ever seen. you wanted to gatekeep him to yourself but everyone knows you cant do that.

'I hate school..' you mumbled under your breath as you finished getting ready..it was going to be a long day. lucky for you, your on your last week of junior year.

you followed your mom and brother out the door of your apartment and got into the car, as your mom drove you looked out the window.

'what a crappy town..' you thought as you saw the older broken down houses and the dead trees.

You sat for what felt a second till your mother stopped the car in front of your school. you sighed as you got out of the car and grabbed your bag.

you walked inside the school being greeted by one of the student who always say good morning to everyone in the morning, but you just gave a half ass smile and continued past them and to your first class.

you walked into class and took your seat in the same desk you sat at since the beginning of the year, there was only 1 other person in your class since the upper classmen (seniors) have graduated already.

you immediately grabbed your airpods and connected them to your phone and played your usual playlist:

( https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2gZnDBCs6zUZ9k8fciQFcg?si=9d64c008effa484c )

you can admit at points your obsession was a little over the top

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you can admit at points your obsession was a little over the top. but still you cant tell me no one else has strong obsession's with famous people. right?

your teacher explained the agenda for the day..not like you where listening anyways, but you just nod your head trying to get through the day and get home. you had a hard time deciding if you should watch tiktoks or YouTube for the remainder of first period. you eventually decided YouTube because the edits of matt on tiktok..they are just to much to handle.

you sat back and watched your phone till the bell rang and you made your way to second period. luckily your bestfriend shared the next 2 classes with you including lunch and free block. you always met your bestfriend in the lunchroom because she would always buy snacks between classes. you met up with your friend with the biggest (non teeth showing) smile.

'do you know what today is!' you say you spun around walking next to her out of the lunch room.

'oh my god..' she said with an annoyed tone, that kind of made you sad but you understood. I mean you talk about them 24/7..its her fault for introducing them to you.

'what' you say laughing.

'let me guess. The sturniolos are posting?' she said sarcastically and you nodded you head excited. she hums back at you as you both continue to walk side by side to your history class.




The last bell of the day rang and you walked outside of your classroom waiting in the hall for your best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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I guess dreams can turn into a reality... • Matt Sturniolo !biWhere stories live. Discover now