A normal math class

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"Hurry,before you miss the bus!" Cried Rimmys mother who was finishing up Rimmys back pack. All of a sudden Rimmy was flying down the stares. "Can't be late for math class!" Exclaimed Rimmy as he was running through the doorway. He heard the bus stop and start again. He ran what felt like the speed of light. Gus the bus driver saw Rimmy and opened the door." Where's mr. Doodles taking you today Rimmy?" Asked Gus. "He's taking us to the canvinal on his private jet!" Explained Rimmy with glee. " just a normal math class with mr. Doodles." Rimmy found a seat on the bus.

When Rimmy arrived to school he was pleased to see that all of his friends were lining up to board the jet. His friend was Fred was waving to him and saving a spot in line for him. Rimmy ran over and stopped by mr. Doodles for a ice cream before he boarded the jet. As mr. Doodles shut the door after everyone was boarded he gave Rimmy awink in a sneer. Rimmy felt a little weary but didn't tell anyone. The jet lifted of the ground.

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