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It's the night of the rooftop hang, and Dave's waiting for me outside. I'm rocking a hoodie, sweats, and some fresh Jordans, with tiny diamond earrings and a spritz of mango body mist. I grab my purse, toss in my AirPods, phone, and home keys.

He greets me and asks which rooftop we're headed to. I know a good one, but it's a bit of a trek to get there. We arrive at an abandoned apartment, once a temporary home for immigrants before they found proper housing.

We settle on the rooftop, renovated and full of memories. We start reminiscing about our lives, from our childhood antics to the ups and downs of being fifteen and sixteen. We share stories, getting to know each other better. I hand him one of my AirPods, telling him to play something. To my surprise, he selects jazz music. I'm taken aback—I've never met a lad who appreciates such tunes. It makes him a hundred times more attractive.

I introduce him to some of my favorite artists, but his music taste is next level. A mix of rap, jazz, and soulful tunes that bring back memories I never knew I had.

In the midst of the melodies, he reaches out and gently takes my hand. He holds it for the rest of the night, as we soak in the music and the company.

But eventually, we have to part ways. Reluctantly, we bid each other farewell, hoping to cross paths again soon.

I'm up on the rooftop, waitin' for Dave to show, innit? But instead, I see this tall, lanky bloke, fresh outta jail and known 'round these parts. He asks me what I'm doin' here, and I casually reply that I'm just waitin' for a mate. He warns me that this ain't the place for me and my little mate to be hangin' about and tells me to bugger off before trouble finds us.

I quickly grab my stuff and make a hasty exit, tryin' to keep my cool. As soon as I'm out, I sprint like there's no tomorrow. I'm glancin' back while runnin' like a madwoman, and before I know it, I crash into someone. It's Dave! I spill out the whole story, but he seems unfazed.

He suggests we chill at his place instead, even though his parents ain't around. I'm a bit skeptical, like, isn't that a dodgy idea? His place is a good 30 minutes away, while mine's just 'round the corner. He insists and says he's got snacks, water, and even food to fill me up.

I hesitantly agree, and we make our way to his crib. It's proper nice, innit? He goes to his room, opens the window, and signals for me to grab a long ladder. I've never done this before, but I lean the ladder against his window, and he holds it steady. I carefully climb up, and when I'm at the top, Dave scoops me up like a bloomin' baby and closes the window behind us.

I plop down on his bed, and he brings me water and some jollof rice. I can't help but blurt out a quick "thank you." He flashes a smile, makin' his eyes crinkle and show off them dimples. Wish he'd smile more often, I reckon.

I tuck into the food, sippin' on the water and devourin' the pringles he's brought. Dave asks if I'm alright, and I assure him I'm good. I return the question, and he mentions he's workin' on his music and stayin' focused on school. Nice one, mate. He puts on some Alvin and the Chipmunks, and I can't believe it 'cause that was one of my fave shows growin' up.

I excitedly ask him who his fave character is, and he replies it's Alvin, of course. I reveal that mine's Theodore 'cause he's cute, ain't he? The night carries on like that, chattin', laughin', and watchin' the show 'til it's time for Dave to walk me home.

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