chapter 2: a weeks worth of training

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Naruto huffed and puffed as he had just completed his fifty mile run, finishing the quest he had gotten earlier that week. 'QUEST COMPLETED' Naruto smiled and looked at the results.
'Requirements: do the daily tasks
+300 exp
+5 stat points into each stat(besides KC AND KCC)
+15 SP' Naruto smiled as he watched his level go up from two, to three. 'SECRET QUEST COMPLETED' a new pop up said.
'Requirements: do extra training
+400 exp
+5 AP
+5 SP' Naruto then watched his level go up to four, deciding to pour into his stats he opened his status window. 'Name: Naruto uzumaki
Title: owner of the leveling system
Strength: 35
Speed: 35
Intelligence: 20
Endurance: 35
Chakra capacity: 55
Chakra control: 20
KC: 0
KCC: 0
AP: 25' Naruto then decided to put five points into strength, speed, intelligence, chakra control, and endurance. 'Name: Naruto uzumaki
Title: owner of the leveling system
Strength: 40
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 25
Endurance: 40
Chakra capacity: 55
Chakra control: 25
KC: 0
KCC: 0
AP: 0' Naruto then looked at the next page. 'Skills:
Shadow clone jutsu: 100/100 -
Can create physical clones of yourself by splitting chakra up into ratios
Sexy jutsu: 100/100 -
Combines transformation jutsu and shadow clone jutsu to create a really perverted technique
Harem jutsu: 100/100 -
Not even going to go into depth on this
Shuriken and kunai throwing: 55/100 -
Can hit a moving target 55% of the time
Appraisal: 10/200 -
Can see the stats of lower ranked ninja, can see some stats of chunnin ranked ninja
Cooking: 80/200 -
You have surpassed teuchi ichiraku in cooking
SP: 40' Naruto decided to put his skill points into his lowest skill, apraisal. 'Apraisal: 50/200 - can see some stats of jonnin ranked ninja' Naruto then smiled and closed everything out, and began walking back to the house.

An hour later Naruto had his bag strapped to his back and was ready to leave the wave, everyone said their goodbyes and their thank you's... And then team seven left. About a half an hour later Naruto got a pop up from the system. 'ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED' it said, causing Naruto to raise a brow. 'Title: FAMOUS (bronze level)' then it showed everything else. 'Requirements: have one thing named after you
+300 exp' Naruto watched as the points got banked, then Naruto saw another pop up show up. 'Quest: learn your uzumaki clan abilities
Requirements: learn basic swordsmanship, learn basic Fuinjutsu
+Fuinjutsu skill
+swordsmanship skill
+500 exp
+10 AP
+10 SP' Naruto sighed quietly, he appreciated the chance to get stronger... But this was going to be extremely difficult, For three reasons.... One, he had to learn swordsmanship and fuinjutsu himself. Two, he had no way of getting taught swordsmanship and fuinjutsu. And three, he wouldn't be able to find anything that he could afford to teach him because of his budget. Getting rid of the pop up and closing everything else out noticing that he was behind, Naruto sped up to catch up to the others.

"Sensei... When we get back are we going to train?" Sakura asked. Kakashi shook his head in response causing the young kunoichi to get slightly disappointed, though she kinda expected this considering it was Kakashi.

"When we get back I'm gonna be busy... Got a lot of things to report to the hokage and a lot of paper work to do afterwords." Kakashi said rubbing the back of his neck.

"So I thought of just giving you guys a month before the chunnin exams to train." Kakashi lazily explained. Naruto smirked thinking of all the things he could get done with the leveling system in a month.

"That sound good to you guys?" Kakashi asked, though he obviously didn't care if they said they weren't... He needed a LONG break from team seven.

"I'm fine with it." Sasuko responded.

"Same here." Sakura said. Then they all looked at Naruto.

"Not like you'd teach me anything anyway..." Naruto said dully. Though not visible due to his face mask, kakashi's face dropped down a little from Naruto's comment... And the real truth behind it.

"Even if he taught you anything you'd still be hopeless in learning it." Sasuko said. Naruto let out an "Mhmm" in response to sasukos question, clearly not paying attention. In truth Naruto was looking through the system for anything that made it so he can see all available quests... And luckily there was on the last status window that showed his level, clicking on it a new screen popped up displaying all the quests Naruto has active right now... Which is only one, going to the next page Naruto saw all the quests available that he could do... Ranging from easiest at the top and hardest at the bottom, scrolling through and looking at requirements and rewards he stopped halfway down knowing anything below that would be beyond his limits. Deciding on the best course of action Naruto chose three. 'DAILY QUEST ACCEPTED
Requirements: do these intense exercises every day
Sit ups: 0/1,000
Push ups: 0/1,000
Pull ups: 0/1,000
Laps around the village: 0/25
Course chakra throughout your body non stop for ten hours: 0/10
Read 30 books: 0/30
+5 stat points to each stat each day' then another showed up. 'DAILY QUEST ACCEPTED
requirements: spar with Shadow clones(amount will increase each week)
Defeated clones: 0/100
+5 stat points into chakra capacity and control each day' then the last one showed up. 'QUEST ACCEPTED
requirements: read 500 books in a week
Books read: 0/500
+200 exp
+10 intelligence stats' deciding this was good enough for now naruto closed out of everything and focused on walking.

When they got to the leaf village team seven went their different ways Naruto going to the training fields, sasuko going to her own privately owned Uchiha training ground, Sakura going home, and Kakashi going to the hokage mansion. When Naruto got to the training grounds he immediately put everything he was carrying down and threw up a hand sign.

"Shadow clone jutsu." Naruto said quietly. In a cloud of smoke a hundred clones appeared, Naruto cracked his neck and his fingers and took a kunai out.

"Alright... Bring it." Naruto said. Then all hundred clones rushed at Naruto, the blonde in response rushed at the clones throwing kunai and shuriken all over the place. 'There's many targets... I won't miss!' Naruto thought to himself. The kunai and shuriken all together took out fifteen shadow clones, causing Naruto to grunt. Then a kick came flying at Naruto to which the blonde blocked, another clone punched Naruto on the side of his face while he was distracted causing the blonde to stumble to his left a little bit... Two clones took advantage of the stumble running up to Naruto and kicking him with both their feet, Naruto slid back and quickly regained his composure throwing more kunai. The kunai hit five shadow clones while the others either fell or were deflected, the original Naruto smirked as the previously thrown kunai exploded destroying thirty shadow clones. In response to the loss in numbers the shadow clones bum rushed the original, Naruto then jumped into the air stomping on the faces of shadow clones to get to the other side causing five to go up in smoke. Naruto then jumped into the air and tried landing on a tree branch but failed, slipping and falling to the ground with an extra thud.

"Yup... That hurt..." Naruto wheezed. To say the other clones were amused was an understatement, they were all laughing at the originals misfortune. Naruto then stood up slowly and turned around facing the clones.

"Alright... Let's try this again." Naruto said, he then rushed at them again.

That's the end folks! Was the chapter good? I hope so, took me forever just to remember how much AP and SP he had...

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