Fell asleep

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《 Chris's pov 》

Nick, Matt, y/n and I was filming a video for tomorrow. We was all talking and I heard y/n stop talking after a while. I didn't think much of it and just thought that she was just listening to us.

After about 30 minutes I see Nick look over at y/n. He then put his finger over his mouth.

" hey, we should wrap this video up "

Nick had whispered

" why? "

I had asked not knowing why he was saying we should wrap the video up. Matt then looked over toward y/n and then said

" oh, yeah we should "

He then looked at me

" It's because y/n fell asleep "

I then looked back at her. We then said our goodbyes before we ended the video.

We then drove back to our house. Once we had gotten back to our house Matt parked the car and we all hopped out. I then opened the back door to where y/n was at.

I grabbed her phone off her lap and put it in my pocket, before carefully picking her up trying not to wake her up.

I then took her inside and went downstairs to my room. I then laid her down on my bed after I pulled the blanket over to the side so I can set her down on the bed. I then took her shoes off and set them over by my shoes. ( meaning his other shoes not the ones he has on )

I then took my shoes off then my hoodie but not before taking my wallet and both of our phones out. I then crawled in beside her and pulled her into my arms. Then I covered us with a blanket then soon falling asleep myself.

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