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Joanna's POV
(Bold will be the promos/wrestling stuff)
Tonight we had a storyline with our old tag team partner and it felt a little different. Even though we were friends outside the ring we weren't friends on TV. And changing that sucked a lot.

"You ready" Colby said. "Absolutely" I said. Colby and I walked out to his music. Tonight we were going to be on Miz TV with Jon aka Dean Ambrose. And it would be super interesting.

I got in the ring as Colby held the ropes apart for me. He then stepped in too. We both grabbed microphones and sat in the chairs.

"Well welcome to Miz TV JJ and Seth Rollins" Miz said. "You should be so honored to have us here" I said. "I don't know is it an honor" Miz said. "I think it is you are in the presence of the future of this company" Seth said. The crowd booed.

"Sounds like the WWE universe doesn't agree" Miz said. "Who cares they all pay to see me and of course Seth" I said. Deans music then hit and he came out. "JJ if I hear you talk about Seth one more time I think I'll throw up" Dean said getting into the ring.

"Ummm this is my show Ambrose sit down" Miz said. "Whatever" Dean said sitting beside Miz. "So let's talk about this feud here between the three of you" Miz said. "I agree let's talk I've talked to that scum bag over there a lot" Dean said.

"But I haven't exactly gotten to the bottom of you JJ" Dean said. "Me" I said looking at him. "Yeah I mean you betrayed us too and for what" Dean said. "To be at the top of the game Dean it's plain and simple" I said.

"No I think there's some other reasons your not getting into" Dean said. "Ambrose she told you why" Seth said. "Shut up for five seconds I'm talking to your little girlfriend or lap dog I don't know" Dean said the crowd laughed.

"What's your question" I said. "There's no question just a statement" Dean said. "Sure" I said. "You know I always thought you were obsessed with each other but you didn't have to ride him to get to the top" Dean said.


"You're pathetic" I said. "Me I'm pathetic you wake up next to that every morning JJ" Dean said. "Don't talk to her like that" Seth said getting up. "Or what you going to sick your dogs on me" Dean said standing up too.

"You heard me don't ever speak to her like that" Seth said. "You see Seth you have a weakness in those eyes" Dean said. "Your weakness is her" Dean said looking at me.

"And I'll bet when you made that deal with Triple H you wanted to make sure she wouldn't be touched" Dean said. "You don't know anything" I said standing up. I then stood in front of Seth.

"Oh what are you going to do JJ" Dean said. "You think I'm afraid of you" I said. "Okay now let's not do this" Miz said. I then punched the Miz in the face and Dean went after Seth. So I then pushed Dean off of him.

"What's JJ going to now" Micheal said. "I don't know but I wouldn't wanna be Seth right now" Byron said. "What are you gonna do huh" Dean said looking at me. I started to walk away then kicked him in the face and he fell down.

I then set my title down. And set myself up for a kurb stomp. I gave Dean a kurb stomp. The crowd booed and cheered a little bit. I then helped Seth up and grabbed our titles.

"That's my girl" Seth said kissing my cheek as we walked up the ramp. "Screw you" Dean said as we walked away.

We walked back behind the curtain. And everyone was there.

"That was badass" Niki said. "For real I loved it" Trinity said. "She's very badass" Colby said putting a hand on my back. "I try to be" I said. "Are you two excited for your episode of ride along" Nattie said. "As long as Colby is driving yes" I said.

"Okay but you normally love driving" Colby said. "Yes just not distance wise Colbs" I said. "Alright fine I'll drive" Colby said.

We put our bags in the trunk and got ready to film this episode of ride along. Which was going to be fun. In the other car it was Niki and John.

So this episode would be Seth and JJ and then John and Niki Bella. We loved doing these little things outside of the ring.

"Alright" I said shutting the trunk. We both then got in the car. And Colby started driving. I waved goodbye to the fans. "That was cute that little boy had a Seth Rollins t shirt" I said.

"His parents raised him right" Colby said. He put a hand on my leg as he drove with one hand. "Oh definitely" I said. "Makes me wonder what our kids would look like one day" he said I smiled.

"Oh really I think we'd make some cute babies" I said. "I mean look at us they would be adorable" Colby said. "Wait how many" I said. "I don't know maybe we can agree on a number" Colby said.

"Like two" I said. "Two" he said. "Why do you want a whole football team babe" I said. "Oh absolutely I can picture it" Colby said I laughed. "How snout we start with one" I said.

"Yeah probably a good idea" Colby said. "Oh we are trending on twitter again" I said. "You or me" Colby said. "Mainly the kurb stomp but with me" I said with a smile.

"Stealing my moves huh" he said. "Well you stole my heart it's only fair" I said. "That's adorable" he said I smiled. "My dad just texted me a picture of me when I was younger" I said. "With the cardboard women's belt we made" I said.

"You were predicting the future" he said I smiled. "Absolutely" I said. "Are you hungry or anything" Colby asked. "Kind of I really just want fries and a burger sounds so good" I said.

"Well there's a place up here" Colby said. "Sonic oh my god it's a cheat day then" I said. "Cheat night" Colby said. "We definitely have to stop here" Colby said pulling into the parking lot. "My hero" I said. "I'll always do what you want" he said.

"As you should" I said.

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