I woke up, both dogs were still sleeping. The boys were both outside, "what are you guys doing up at 4am?" "oh we haft to make sure our farms are ok!" "oh" We heard a weird growling noise, "Get inside!" we all starting running, we shut and locked the door. The dogs started winning, Boom! boom! boom!...
There was three gunshots they both hit whatever was out there. "follow us" They showed me a secret hatch they built for this reason. We went down for a while, then we went back up.
They where gone, so we just kept farming and cleaning that took about an hour.
"what do you want to do?" "I don't know, what can we do?" 'not much, but if you want we can explore"
"that would be nice..." (131 words)
Short StoryKylo is a 13 year old that hates himself and his family. He has gotten abused mentally and physically. TW: trigger warning this story has abuse topics including starving, harassment ,physical beating, and dark thoughts.