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when we got back to the sturniolos house we watched movies and ate the food we bought but halfway through matt went upstairs in a pissy fit so we finally told chris what nick said and we all had a good laugh about it then we decided to go to bed and i slept with chris since nick wanted to facetime madi before going to bed and i was too tired

' chris? ' i whisper facing towards the boy

' yea? ' he whispers back

' i cant sleep ' i whisper

' wanna go for a walk? ' he asks

' it's too cold ' i whisper

' ill let u borrow a hoodie and sweatpants if you want ' he whispers

' okay ' i smile and get up

' take what u want ' he says turning on a light

' ow it's so bright ' i squeeze my eyes shut for a few seconds then let them adjust to the light

' sorry ' he apologizes

' it's fine, what time is it? ' i ask

' uhhh ' he says pulling his phone out of his pocket

' it's 2:37am ' he says

' damn ' i reply

' okay im changing so turn around or something ' i shrug and begin to pull my pants down since he's not looking

( after we are changed and our shoes are on our feet )

' alright let's go ' i say as i open his bedroom door and we head downstairs

' where are you guys going? ' i hear a voice ask from the kitchen

' a walk ' chris replies

' at two? ' matt questions

' yup, bye ' i say and then pull chris out of the front door and shut it behind us

' why is he even up ' chris asks

' who the fuck knows ' i shrug

' where are we even going? ' i ask

' i know a spot ' chris smiles

' alright let's see it ' i laugh

' okay come on ' chris grabs my hand and we start running down the street

' okay sure let's run in crocs ' i laugh as we sprint down the street

' are you excited? ' he asks

' depends on where we're going ' i laugh

' the beach ' he smiles

' hell yea im excited!! ' i exclaim with a grin as i begin to run faster, pulling chris with me since our hands were still interlocked

( time skip to when they got to the beach )

' i love the beach ' i smile and take off my crocs leaving them on the sidewalk

' me too ' chris smiles doing the same thing as i was with his crocs

' come on ' i grab his hand as we run through the sand like idiots while laughing

' what do u wanna do? ' chris yells over the sound of the waves since we are right next to them on the shore

' i don't know ' i yell back

' we should get seashells! ' chris exclaims bending down to find some

' okay chris ' i laugh as i do the same searching the sand for some shells

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