Thats gotta be a lawsuit

33 0 2

May 31, 2007
4:48 A.M.

       I wake up with Cora at my side sleeping peacefully and the menu for the movie we chose last night still on, with repetitive music in the background. I grab the remote and turn the tv off and get up. I pull my shorts up a little bit while going down the stairs. I make it to the kitchen and step onto the tiles. Mentally wincing at the cold floor touching my bare feet. I open the fridge and grab a coke out of the red rectangular box. My dehydrated ass sets the coke on the counter after I open it and jump up, sitting myself on the counter. I fix my hair and lay back against the wall. I take a drink out of my coke and bring one of my knees to my chest. I set the coke down and start thinking about what happened last night. Now that I think about it all of that was probably bullshit and Toms never gonna call back. I don't really care if Tom calls me back or not. I've never cared about stuff like that. It won't effect my life and I'm okay with where my life is right now. It won't change me at all and I can go back to living my normal, teenage girl, fuck up (but also fun) life. I have and amazing friend group and my parents just genuinely don't care where I go or what time I get home, shit I could move to a different country without them knowing and they wouldn't care. I'm also an only child so I don't have any siblings to care about or look after, and I'm lowkey grateful for that. I was pretty lonely as a kid but that's in the past and I can barley remember it anyway. "Y/n, what are you doing up?" I hear a familiar voice say from a distance in front of me. I look up to see Cora looking at me and moving her hair out of her face. "Woke up and I was thirsty, why are you up?" I ask. Cora grabs a coke out of the fridge and shuts it, turning towards me. "I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, then I turned around to lay on you and you weren't there." She says, sitting herself up on the counter like I did, the street light outside keeping the room light enough to see everything. "I don't think im gonna be able to get back to sleep, you wanna do something instead?" I ask, looking at her. "Yeah, what we gonna do though?" She says, taking a drink out of her coke after. "I don't fucking know, smoke?" I say, smirking a little bit. "Alright." Cora says, giggling. We finish talking in the kitchen and walk up to my room. We walk in and she jumps on the bed, setting her coke on the windowsill. I set my coke down on my bedside table and turn on the lamp. The lamp shines a bright white with a slight undertone of yellow. I grab my shoebox out from under my bed and place it on the bed.

We smoke for about an hour while telling jokes and calling our exes just for fun. At this point I can tell Cora's tired and baked as fuck. "You wanna go back to bed?" I say, laughing a little bit at her red and tired eyes. "Yeah kinda." She says, also laughing. We lay back down on my bed in the same position we were in last night. I turn off my lamp and hold her in my arms tightly as we drift off to sleep.

11:23 A.M.

I wake up to my phone ringing next to my head. I look over to see Cora awake watching the tv waiting for me to get up. She looks over and smiles, then goes back to watching the tv. I smile back and roll over to grab my phone. It's just a random number but I still answer it, I don't know why. "Hello?" I say into the phone. "Hey is this Y/n?" I hear the voice say back. Wow a heavy German accent that's great. I feel my heart start to speed up a little bit. "Yeah, I'm guessing this is Tom?" I say laughing at how nice I sound all of the sudden. "Yeah." He says, also laughing. I get an idea that I'm not sure is good, but he might have fun I don't know. "Hey do you wanna come hang out with me and my friends if you still in town? I know it's not really just the two of us but it'll be fun and we can get to know each other better!" I say, sounding confident. "Yeah sure do you want me to meet you somewhere or what?" He says, sounding more comfortable with talking to me. "Uh yeah, just meet us at Webster park. I suggest you walk there and wear something light on your body. If you don't you'll be the only one driving a car places and you'll not be able to climb and stuff like that easily so you'll more than likely get PLAYFULLY made fun of by Ki. Trust me I have experience." I say, laughing a little bit. "Okay" He says, also laughing. "One more thing before I let you go, we're just gonna get up and go right now so as soon as you can meet us there, alright?" I say. "Oh alright." He says. I can basically hear the smile on his face. "Okay bye Tom!" I say happily. "Bye Y/n" He says, I'm guessing also happily. I turn my head to see Cora staring at me with the widest smile you could ever possibly see coming from a human. "Bro I can tell he is swinging his feet, kicking his mattress, screaming into his pillow, blushing more than ever, and twirling his dreads right now. Girl you ate!" Cora says, excited for me. "Thanks I guess? Cmon we need to get ready. I'm picking your outfit out." I say, laughing. "Okay!" Cora says excitedly.

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