Diggin Deep

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Kirstie's POV:

I couldn't take it it anymore. I couldn't watch both of my friends suffer. I needed to talk to Mitch. Maybe I could shout some sense into him. I sent him a text ' 'I'm coming over NOW'. I grabbed my coat and paced out the door. I wasn't an angry person but why would any human being do this to themselves and others? I mean, I can understand why Mitch might seem a bit desperate. To him, all hope was destroyed when Scott and I were dating. But that was no reason to switch to self destruct mode! It was a good thing I walked there because alot of things were racing through my mind and I had quite a lot of time to construct what I planed on saying to Mitch. Also, the cool breeze was cooling me down and keeping me slightly more relaxed. It took me 20 minutes to get there. I knocked on the door and it was answered by Scott. 'Hey sugar cakes, is Mitch here?' I swear I just saw his face twitch at the the sound of his name. Things are very bad. He looked down and said 'oh, he's in his room' I could tell he was disappointed. ' Oh don't worry scotty bear, I'll come down to hang out with you, once I give Mitch a piece of mind, mmkay cherry top?' He laughed at the funny nickname. 'alright then'. I smiled at him to make him feel better, then headed upstairs to Mitch's room. When I made outside his door, I saw his funny sign on the door that read ' Don't disturb, I'm enjoying royalty' Yes he can make me laugh but, I am on a mission, to save Mitch Grassi and not even the Queen himself could stop me. I took a deep breath and walked in. He was just lying flat on his bed, just staring at the ceiling as if he was connecting with it. Normally he would be on his laptop. WHY ARE YOU ACTING STRANGE BOY? He looked over and and smiled at me. 'Hey Kir...' ' You're an idiot!' I'm just gonna go with it. I saw the hurt on his face. ' Nice to know Bitch Mode works perfectly in your system' he said. It's war. 'and it's nice to know you instilled Stupidity Mode into yours. How could you do that to yourself? How could you do that to Scott? It's really
dickish of you, you know that, right?' He took his phone out and stared scrolling through it. When it clicked in his mind that I was waiting for some sort of responce, he simply said 'Travis loves me' without looking at me. I wanted to hit across the head. So I did. 'Oww! What was that for?' He said rubbing his head. He was really testing my patience, and I hadn't been here for long. 'Don't play dumb with me Grassi. I know Travis doesn't make you happy, Scott knows Travis doesn't make you happy, you know Travis doesn't make you happy, we all also know he doesn't love you, and you don't love him. Talk to me.' He sat up and faced me. 'You're a bitch, but you're a bitch who's right. There is only so long I can be alone for. I needed the companionship. Scott was taken, and I wasn't interested in anyone else. I thought... Well I haven't seen Travis in a while. Maybe he's changed. So I found him and we hit out off all over again. It was was fine for a few days then he got controlling. It's only ben a week and a half..' That stick in the mud, Travis! As much as I loved him, I couldn't listen to Mitch's problems, so I skipped straight to solving it part. 'Gimme your phone' I demanded. 'No kirst, you are not getting my baby' he said hiding his phone from me. I rolled my eyes walked up to him and snatched his phone from him. I unlocked his phone, which for some didn't have a password anymore. For crying out loud, it was stupid for him not not to have a password anymore. 'Heeeyy' Damn I must've said that out loud. 'Not everyone wants a password, and Travis says I can't have one because it would stop from checking my phone' he looked at his hands. Yup.... Travis went over the top. 'Ok cool' I simply said. Mitch just sat there, unaware that I was going through his contacts, trying to find Travis. I think he has accepted that what I do on his phone, will benefit someone sooner or later. I found Travis and pressed call, and brought the phone to my ear. 'Wait... Kirstie what are you doing?' 'Shhh, I'm gonna be on the phone to your soon to be ex boyfriend' I said as casually as that could've been said. The phone was answered. (Author's note:
' Ugh, what do you want?' Seriously?
'That's not a very nice way to greet anybody, let alone your boyfriend, now is it Travis?'
'Hmm Kirstie, long time. Uh, why do you have Mitch's phone and why are you calling me?' 'Why are such a dick?'
'What did you just call me?'
'I'll let you think about that one, but in the meanwhile, I called to let you know, that you and Mitch are done'
'Sorry what??!'
'You two are done, over, finito. Understand?'
'Did Mitch decide this, or are you talking for him again?'
'Mitch knows he's single now'
'Yh, but that's not the question I asked'
'Yh, but that is the answer you are getting'
'So how comes Mitch isn't telling me himself?'
'Because he's allergic to your bull crap. We couldn't risk setting off his allergies'
I saw Mitch's face as he tried to contain his laughter
'Let me speak to...'
'Alright love ya too byeeee!'
I hung up and Mitch burst into a fit of laughter. 'OMG Kirst, you're too funny. Thanks bae, I owe you...'
'GO!' he almost stumbled at the volume and tone of my voice. He saw where I was pointing and gave me a worried look. 'You owe him aswell' I told him. He breathed out and walked towards the door before looking at me and crossing his fingers. I smiled and said 'Good luck Handsome' and he left.

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