The Apology

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Y/Ns pov:

The entire time I was at the compound, I was thinking about Wanda and Peitro. I wanted to get them out of Hydra. They don't deserve to be there. I decided to talk to Tony about it.

While walking to the laboratory, I saw Bucky on the way. I'll try apologising again. "Bucky?" I said. He just ignored me. "Bucky!" I yelled. "JAMES!!!" He stopped and turned to me. I walked up to him. "Bucky I'm so sorry for yelling at you that night. I don't know what came over me."

Buckys pov:

She was apologising to me. She looked like she was about to cry. I felt so bad for ignoring her now. But she really hurt me. "I'm sorry for ignoring you Y/N. It's just you really hurt my feelings when you yelled at me. One moment you couldn't let go of me and the next you were yelling at me."

Y/Ns pov:

I do understand where Bucky is coming from, and I probably would have done the same thing. "I'm so so incredibly sorry Buck. I had a nightmare and something came over me. It felt like I was about to turn back into Shadow, that's why I wanted you to leave just in case I turned back into her."

Buckys pov:

She felt she was going to turn back!? "Oh Y/N. Come here." I said. At this point she was crying so much. I pulled her into a hug while she cried into my shoulder. I rubbed her back with my left arm while I had my right hand around her neck. "Shhh, it's okay, I forgive you and I'm so sorry." I gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

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