Research & Resentment

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'...hit a dead end.'


Golden sunlight filtered delicately through the blinds, its rays tenderly brushing the warm skin of Alex, who lay there, naked and deeply asleep beneath the sheets. Enveloped in the pristine fabric, Alex resembled a fragile, innocent lamb, the soft white folds casting an aura of newborn purity around him.

He stirred slightly in his sleep as Celeste began to kiss his bare shoulder from behind, her arms wrapped around his waist in a possessive yet gentle embrace, careful not to strain his slim and fragile frame. Her soft kisses trailed from his shoulder to his neck until she reached his chin, which she grasped tenderly. Though still half-asleep with his eyes closed, Alex responded to her kiss before Celeste returned to kissing and nibbling on his shoulder once again.

His body already bore numerous marks from their first night of ecstasy in nine years of their mate bond, adding to Celeste's insatiable desire for him. No matter she wasn't getting enough of him.

However, when Celeste realized that Alex hadn't eaten dinner last night and it was now almost afternoon, she quickly got up and slipped into her black skinny pants, not bothering with a shirt since she was already wearing her black bra. Leaving the comforting warmth beside her mate, she knew she needed to prepare some food to ensure Alex didn't fall ill after their wild night, which had been particularly exhausting for him, especially with all the tears he had shed.

Her long raven hair flowed gracefully behind her as she moved toward the bathroom. There, she brushed her teeth and took a quick warm shower before dressing in black jeans and a black dress shirt, leaving the front unbuttoned to reveal her new black bra. She was immune to the weather conditions of Earth so; she didn't care about the biting cold. After drying her hair slightly with a towel, she stepped out of the bathroom and glanced at Alex, who remained in a deep sleep under the sheets.

She quietly slipped out of their room and headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch, including pancakes in case Alex preferred breakfast over a full meal. She began by making a creamy pasta with mushrooms and cheese, setting it to cook on the stove over medium heat, before turning her attention to mixing the batter for basic pancakes.

As she whisked the batter, a man emerged from the shadows in the corner of the kitchen, dressed entirely in black. With a stoic expression and a slight ruffle of his white hair, he informed her of something significant, his blue-eyed gaze holding a serious regard for Celeste.

"We found the last werewolf group pursuing the blessed omega's blood. Following your commands, the other werewolf groups have been eliminated and wiped out. Now, only one group remains; the 'Werewolf Council.' They are difficult to track because they've made a deal with a witch's coven to shield their location from danger. They must be on edge after what happened to the other packs, and your killing spree has made it clear that someone is targeting and eliminating their kind. So, what's our next move? How should we approach the Werewolf Council? We wait for your next command."

Celeste listened attentively, her narrowed grey eyes focused. Placing the bowl down, she wiped her hands with a cloth and crossed her arms before responding, "We stick with the same plan. It's risky, but with my involvement, anything is possible. Besides, we 'Devils' have the upper hand here. These werewolves don't stand a chance against us, even if the witches decide to aid them. They're nothing more than ants for us to crush as we step on them one by one. And these witches... hah, don't make me laugh. We're the Kings and Queens with flames beneath our skins and darkness dancing within. Don't forget that."

The young, towering figure nodded thoughtfully before posing another question, his brooding demeanor evident. "But are you certain... considering you are a part werewolf yourself, as is your mate? Once we deal with this last group of werewolves... you and Alex will be the only ones left in the world. Are you truly sure about this?"

Celeste's lips curved into a smirk as she responded, her tone confident. "It's more than fine. I'm a hybrid, not exactly welcome in the werewolf community. And as for Alex, the blessed omega, he should have been cherished and shielded, not hunted down to the brink of death for simply existing. Werewolves... they're no longer our kin. They're adversaries I'm determined to eradicate so that Alex can finally live a normal life."

The man nodded solemnly before proceeding to share the information he had diligently gathered over the past week, following Celeste's dispatch on the mission. "I've searched extensively," he began, "and it appears that the tree 'Wishful Walnut' you seek no longer exists, neither in this realm nor in the realms beyond. It's fated to sprout only once, in the human world's garden, every thousand years, with a lifespan of merely five years. Unfortunately, we've arrived too late. The only remaining option for you to stay with Alex is through that process. But you're aware it will shatter your mate if he opposes it."

Celeste let out a frustrated sigh, her fingers running through her hair as she spoke in a tone tinged with defeat. "Brian, let's not dwell on it just yet," she said. "I still need to talk to Alex about it. Let's wait and see what the future holds for us. Although that tree represented our last hope, each walnut it bore possessed the power to alter one's destiny with a single wish, even if only five walnuts were grown on it."

Brian nodded respectfully before responding with a brief bow, "Of course, My Queen. I'll take my leave now, as I sense your mate stirring awake. I'll continue with the research of finding other means for you two to live together forever... although I'm aware we've hit a dead end."

With those words spoken, Celeste nodded in acknowledgment as Brian vanished into thin, grey smoke. Sighing softly, she returned her attention to making the pancakes.

She continued the tasks at hand as she waited for her mate to join her in the kitchen all the while pondering over a dilemma about how she could transform their forbidden love into a safe and normal love that won't kill Alex off.

This wasn't the first dead end that she had encountered in her life so, she... wasn't worried.

She'll come up with something.

She was determined to never let Alex go.

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