No hope

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1 week later


Jannelee and Imani were losing hope. It was starting to feel like nobody was coming to save them.

Jannelee was handcuffed to the bed frame and Imani was cuffed to the nightstand.

Shanice walks in with 2 plates of undercooked bacon and eggs for the girls to eat

Imani and Nelly refuse to eat the food they give them.

" Tf why aren't you eating the food"

"You expect me to eat this undercooked ass food tf is you on?" Nelly said

Alessa walked in the room with Niyah behind her

"Aww what's wrong babe why aren't you eating" Alessa said with a evil smirk on her face

"Why don't we just kill the bitch"
Niyah spit rolling her eyes

Nelly spit on Alessa's face "I ain't your bAbE bitch"

Alessa grabbed Nelly by her throat and pinned her against the wall

"You know I don't even have to be feeding your ass you ungrateful ass bitch" Alessa said tightening her grip on nellys neck

Alessa was on the verge of killing her...

Imani tried getting alessa off Nelly but before she could even attempt to Tyrone grabbed Imani and threw her across the room

Imani screamed after hitting her head on the side on the bed


Khe'jari Jackson12:30 pm

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Khe'jari Jackson
12:30 pm

The trap

Everyone has been looking for where the girls are and who took them but no luck so far. It's like they just vanished

"Aye boss i got something" one of my workers said calling me over


"It's a video from one of the back cameras"
He said pressing play

As I looked closer I saw two familiar faces.
That Tyrone dude and Alessa.

I made him send the video to me then I sent it to the groupchat telling them to come down to the trap quickly.

— message from Aaliyah 💎-

The feins🍃

Me: *1 video attachment*
Come down to the trap real quick
Isaiah🖤, Quincy🔫, 2 others liked message

Aaliyah💎: *1 attachment*
why tf Niyah and Shanice live together on Facebook??

Quincy🔫: hell nah bro wtf

Me: meet at the trap rn mane

- - end of conversation - -


Aaliyah's Pov

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Aaliyah's Pov

2:15 pm

The trap

"I can't believe they friends dawg"mumbled Quincy in the corner

"We can use that shit to our advantage"

"Whatchu mean?" Asked isaiah

"We have Shanice pull up, kidnap her, make her have Alessa pull up, then torture info out of them" i shrugged

The whole room started thinking .

"That shit might work"
Key finally said breaking the silence

"And if it don't we beating yo ass" added isaiah

"Boy I'll rock yo shii"

We made a plan then decided to do it tomorrow.

This was lowkey just a filler

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