The Accident ((Remade))

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After Being Informed That I Was Going To Work At My ((F/P))/((F/G)) I Was Excited As Hell I Hadn't Been there In A Whole 2 Years Because Of Being At The Slender Mansion. Going Up To My Room With A Box That Has My Uniform In It I Open The Door Walk in And Close The Door Behind Me Before Locking It And Putting The Box On My Bed And Walking To The Bathroom Before Stripping And Getting Into The Shower Turning The Water On As Hot As I Could Stand It. Washing My Hair Body And Face, I Start Feeling Better And Turn The Water Off Stepping Out To Dry Off. 

---Small Time Skip---

After Drying Off And Getting Changed I Walk Out Of My Room And Go Straight To Slender's Office To Await Jeff And Toby. Leaning Against A Wall Bored I Looked Up At Slender "Hey Do You Possibly Have A Book I Can Borrow Till Jeff And Toby Get Here?.." I Ask Not Tryna Be A Bug, "Yes Just On that Book Shelf Next To You, There's A Rather Interesting Book Called 1:37 AM That Liu Actually Got For You Yesterday So You have Something To Do On Break." Slender Said To Me With A Rather Pleased Face Shape "Okay, Thank You Slender" I Say As I Start Reading 

((Slight Spoiler For The End Of The 1:37AM FNAF BOOK AHEAD))

---Slight time Skip---

Finishing The 1st Small Story "Oh Shit" I Mumble Closing The Book Now At The Next Small Story 'Room For One More' i know where i left off. "What's Wrong Child?" Slender Asked Concerned "At The End Of The First Chapter The Main Character Went Crazy And Offed Herself Because Of A Doll Made By Fazbear Entertainment." Slender Seemed To Look At Me Straight in The Eyes As Well As Jeff And Toby Who Came In Right As I Said The Sentence. "What???" I Said Confused "DUDE I'M NOT JOKING HERE" I Say Giving Slender The Book And Leaning On the Wall Again AS He Reads With Toby And Jeff Hovering Over Him. Shortly After He Closes The Book. "You See To Have A Odd Taste In Horror-.." Was All Slender Said Giving Me My Book Back, Putting My Book In My Bag I Look At Toby And Jeff "Ya'll Ready To Go To Our Crappy Summer Jobs?" Jeff Just Looked At Me And Smirked "How Do You Know Their Gonna Be Crappy?" He Said "Well You Work At A Mc Donalds And Toby Works At Hot Topic." Jeff's Smirk Fell So Goddamn Fast It Was Funny "Toby And I Have the Best Jobs Because I Work At (F/P)/(F/G) Witch Is My Favorite Placeee ((The Game Is Made Into A Place In The Universe Basically))" You Say Proudly Staring At Jeff "i'ma Head To My Job Now, See Ya Later Smiley Trash Bag And Bye Toby" You Say Walking Out Of Slenders Office And Walking Down The Hall To The Front Door Where Masky Was Ready To Drive Me There Already. "Yo" I Simply Said Masky Returning With A "hey" Before We Got Into His Truck. On The Ride There We Made Little To No Convo, On The last 3 minutes Before We Got There We Just Road in A Comfortable Silence. 'what will Happen On My First Day..Probably Nothing Interesting....I Mean For The First Day I Have To Kill My Target So Maybe It Might Be Interesting' Snapping Out Of My Thought's When The Truck Came To A Stop, I Quickly Un-Buckled My Seat Belt And Got Out Of The Car Thanking Masky And Running Into (F/P)/(F/G) So Not To be Late, Clocking In And Running To A Little List The Manager Left For Me That Included: '#1: Mop The Floors. #2 Clean Up The Tables #3 Fix The Party Streamers #4 Empty Trashcans And #5 Re Stock Medical Supplies' Sighing I Begin To get To Work 

---Short Time Skip---

Finishing The Duty's On the List, I Walk To The Break Room Since Shockingly Doing All 5 Duty's Took 1 Hour And I Needed To Get My (F/D) ((Favorite Drink)). After Getting My Drink I Walk Back To the Main Area Of The Building And Sighed Noticing A Loose Pipe I Grab A Wrench And Walk Over To It Tightening The Pipe.  I Put The Wrench Back And Then I Open The Place And Then Leaning Against A Wall

---Time Skip to 3 hours later---

The Target Finally Comes In And Orders A Drink So I Went Back There And Grabbed The Drink Before P0is0ning It And Giving It To The Person. Now I Wasn't A Waitress I Was A Day Shift Security Guard So Basically I Was Filling In For The Waitress While Making Sure The Place Was "Secure" And "Safe" Leaning Against A Wall Watching The Target Die Silently I Start To Use My Acting Skills And Walk Start Walking Around For A Bit Before Walking Over To the Targets A Corpse And Gasping Dramatically And Picking Him Up "Oh Dear! CAN SOMEONE HELP ME TAKE THEM TO THE MEDIC STATION THEY FAINTED!" I Yelled Acting As If I Care And Someone Actually Helps Me Bring Them To The Medic Room. Once We Get There I Thank The Other Person And They Leave To Finish their Food/Drink While I Teleport The Body Into The Slender Mansions Basement. Walking Out Of The Medic Room I Continue Doing my Job Until Closing 

---Time Skip To A Week Later At Closing Time---

Sighing And Walking Around The Building Bored Since I Already Cleaned Up After Everyone I See That The Pipe I Tighten A Week Ago Is Loose Again So Being A Normal Person I think Outloud "Huh...Well Since I'm Supposed To Take Care Of It Anyway I'ma Take Off The Pipe To See What's Making It Loose" I Mumble To Myself And Grabbing A Wrench And Taking Off The Pipe, But When It Came Down It Came Down In Such A Way it Stabbed Me In The Stomach And Since The Pip Was Big The hole Was The Size Of A Socker Ball but 2 inches Smaller And Honestly It Caught Me Off Guard For A Minute But Then The Pain Kicked In And The Only Thing I Hadn't Done Yet Was Order More Medical Supplies And Re Stock "MOTHER FUCKER WHY DIDN'T I DO THAT BEFORE HAND" i Curse At Myself Which Was Making It Worse Cause You Were Loosing Blood Fast Like FAST. FASTER than What It Should Have Been. Now Starting To Feel Dizzy And light Headed I Began To Sway, Sooner Or Later I Made My Way To The Back Room To Sit Down, But I Ended Up Blacking Out 

----Time Skip To 40 Minutes After Your Shift. Liu's POV---

A Little Worried That ((Y/N)) Hasn't Come Back Yet I Ventured To The Family Room Calling A Small Meeting A Lot Of The Others Seemed Pissed Off That I Called The Meeting But I Continued To Inform Everyone That Y/N Was Supposed To Come back Awhile Ago,..They All Seem To be Pondering About What To Do...


Lmao Cliff Hanger ONLY BC THE CHAPTER IS LATE OKAY?? LIKE THIS CHAPTER IS EXTREMELY LATE-- Anyways I'll Make The Next Part In Like A Week...Be Patient!


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