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As Richie crashed into the floor he let out a loud weep before blacking out. It was a Friday afternoon, the air was foggy and it had been raining all day. Once the rain had cleared up Richie decided to go out skateboarding in the local skate park, he was doing fine for a while before he went to the highest drop and decided to go down.

Now here we are, Richie is laying on the concrete, no protective gear, probably a concussion, and a small frail boy is hovering above him wondering if he's even alive. "Hello?" Called out the boy, Richie miraculously regained consciousness and sat up, rubbing his now bruised and bleeding head. "Are you okay? I think you have a concussion.." Richie looked up at the boy, still holding his head, and froze.

He was beautiful.

He had such a wonderful smell, that smell being of fruit and honey, he gave off a kind of safe and sweet vibe- like he was that one cafe you like to sit at for hours sipping on various coffees and looking out the window at people and animals passing by, minding their own business and just living their lives, his skin was tan and lovely, radiating warmth, he had on short red shorts, going against the frigid weather, he had knee-high socks and perfect white sneakers, a big soft sweater tugged around him in search for more warmth, and he had freckles dotting his face and various other exposed pieces of skin, his big brown eyes looked as those of a deer, shining even in the dense fog surrounding them, his brown hair looked like it had been styled and brushed perfectly each day, and a fannypack hung loosely around his waist.

The boy was knelt beside Richie, who was still in awe at this boys beauty, tending to his wounds of different shapes and sizes. "This is all I can do. But I'll recommend you go to a hospital because you seem to have a concussion, not responding, blank staring, seems like you have one." The boy stood up and Richie scrambled to follow suit, still mindlessly staring at the boy, admiration was pouring through Richie, his beauty was something Richie could not contain, he had to say at least something.

"You're really pretty.." Richie lingered on the last word, almost as if he needed to say more, show more. The boy glanced at Richie, keeping his gaze on the bandaids and alcohol wipes he was currently stuffing back in his fannypack. Despite the cold, insufferable, weather the boy still held a pinkish tone to his cheeks. "Thank you.." The boy seemed embarrassed, probably because they had just met, don't know eachothers names, and Richie is acting like he just met his soulmate.

"Ahem- uh.. I'm Richie Tozier. What about you?" He held out a hand, which the boy gracefully accepted, and waited just a second before the boy answered, "Edward Kaspbrak, but i prefer Eddie." Richie's hand and arm was on fire, his touch was almost as soft as his eyes, if not softer. Richie held a firm grasp on Eddie, absolutely never wanting to let go, they just met and Richie was already head over heels for Eddie. "You're like, seriously, so fucking pretty. You're so.. I don't know! It's overwhelming, you are just the prettiest person I've ever laid my eyes on, and I look at a lot of people. Sorry if it's weird or anything, but like, you're so goddamn pretty." Richie stared Into Eddie's eyes, still not letting go of his hand. Eddie was surprisingly calm, slightly giggling too, but Richie was so in awe he didn't even notice.

Eddie let go of his hand, Richie reluctantly let go, missing the soft touch, "That's actually really sweet, especially for someone I just met. Thank you, again." Eddie smiled softly at Richie, who's heart was practically jumping out of his chest, Richie continued to stare at Eddie before he spoke once more, "Say, what school do you go to?" Richie shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts, "Uh, just the local high-school, you know, Derry High, makes sense because everyone there is getting high." Richie snorted while Eddie let out a small laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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