Chapter 1714

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Led by Feng Wu, the prince calmed down despite how tense the situation was. In the midst of the flames and explosions, he found the decisive girl so beautiful. How nice would it be if she could stay with him forever. There was an expectant look in his eyes.

Thump! They only had less than 100 meters to run, but Feng Wu realized that they wouldn't make it. The flames behind them were scorching her back! It was very close. Therefore, she picked up the prince and hurled him forward like a stone!

Thump! Once the prince flew out of the cave, Feng Wu kicked the wall, and with the momentum, she shot out like an arrow! The moment she was out of the cave, the tunnel collapsed with a deafening sound! Feng Wu lay on her stomach and panted. The prince lay next to her. They looked at each other and chuckled.

"We made it out..." The prince couldn't believe it. "Gosh, we actually made it! We're not dead!" Tears welled up in his eyes. He had lost all hope when his men died one after another. He had been ready to die himself, but... He had run into someone as amazing as Feng Wu! She was a miracle! Smiling, the prince kept his gaze on Feng Wu, and the longer he looked at her, the more amazing she became to him. Who would have thought that Feng Wu, a Spiritual Elder, could kill a Spiritual Lord? "You really are..." Taking a deep breath, the prince didn't try to hide the affection in his eyes. "You're the most wonderful girl I've ever met. You're great. Miss Feng, I..."

Feng Wu had no idea what was on his mind. She thought that he wanted to thank her, so she waved him off. "It's no big deal. I'm trying to take down your brother, and helping you is just a by-product."

"But you saved my life! I don't know how I can repay you. Miss Feng, I wonder if you..."

Feng Wu said impatiently, "Fine, fine. Repay me however you want, I won't stop you. But we have to get out of this alive first."

The prince looked confused. "Aren't we safe now?"

"Safe?" Feng Wu found the question idiotic. "Do you think Six is dead?"

The prince blinked, looking very innocent. "He's not?"

Feng Wu said, "No wonder your brother has had the upper hand this entire time. Bro, you're so naive." She patted him on the shoulder. To her, the prince was a teenager as naive as Feng Xiaoqi.

The prince didn't like the way Feng Wu addressed him. He didn't want to be her "bro." But the most important question was, "Are you saying that Six isn't dead?" The prince frowned.

Feng Wu nodded. "Of course he isn't. Spiritual Lords are more capable than you can imagine. It's almost impossible to kill someone a whole stage more advanced than you are."

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