Chapter 20

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A/N-Hey guys remember to vote for what dress/suite the characters should wear.



Inko dilemma/Possible Divorce?

Inko was troubled her husbanded was always out and doing something she rarely saw him, and he stopped showing her affection. yes, she was troubled indeed she couldn't understand why Toshinori was not doing his husband duties towards her. 

At first, she thought he was cheating but later throw that thought away when she realized Toshinori was old and had lost a great deal of his youthful looks the only reason she had married him was because he was rich, his status as all might was just an added bonus. 

But now she had nothing that could make sense, the brat she gave birth too was accepted into a private institution somewhere in Europe and her daughter was always out with Katsuki.

Ever since the Brat left Toshinori has spent less and less time with her and Izumi. She has only seen him for about two hours a day in the afternoon. During that time there fighting and they sleep in different bedrooms. Inko was troubled truly troubled she didn't know what to do anymore. suddenly she got an idea.

Walking up the stairs and into the third room down the hall and opened it. this room belonged to Toshinori. Inko walked around the room looking for anything that could give her a hint on what her husband was up too.

when she couldn't find anything, she became frustrated. Inko couldn't understand surly there was something here that could link her to her husband's abnormal actions. she continued to walk when she noticed Toshinori's closet was opened. walking to the closet Inko opened it and saw his clothe and a small file cabinet. Inko went to open it when she realized it was locked. Inko looked around the room to try and find the keys. while she was doing that Izuku was busy enjoying watching his favorite hero torture his students.



UA high school

Izuku was currently laughing as he watched the student below run around in panic as his dad and No.1 hero chased after them. Nezu was next to him enjoying his cup of tea as he watched his son gleeful look. Izuku had been doing his regular task all day, this was his last task for the day.

1.Help papa set up school event and other school related activities.

2.Help papa set up the summer school for the student who were one credit short.

3.Study for his final's and prepare next year's study group schedule.

4.Help refill the snack and drinks in the teachers' lounge. 

5.Help papa gather information on the students' quirks.

"Your enjoying watching your dad and Shota scare the living crap out of the students. huh?" Nezu said amused Izuku blushed "It's not that it's just funny seeing them panic it just proves they didn't take my note seriously." Izuku evaluated the student of 1-A every week to see how they had improved but this year he got some stubborn once. they all refused his help and didn't want to listen, and it was costing them their final grade. Nezu hummed in agreement. It was safe to say it would be a miracle if these students passed but Izuku wasn't holding much to it.



Back with Inko

Inko had succeeded in finding the key that was placed on top of the door. when she opened the cabinet all she found where Fotos of him and the kids (None of her) and old crime files that was until she took everything out and found a letter addressed to her husband from a lawyer. Inko took the letter and opened it. when Inko read the letter, her body froze before she began to Shake uncontrollably. Inko was holding divorce papers with conditions.

It basically said She would get custody of Izumi while he took custody of Izuku, and he would pay for child support until Izumi was 17. He would let her keep the house and 50 million dollars but after that he had no other obligations to her.

Inko was furious and devastated. she couldn't let this happen; she wouldn't let it. Inko placed everything back before closing it and making sure everything was as she saw it when she came in. Inko wasn't about to let her husband divorce her and think he could get away with it. Inko opened up her phone and looked through her was time to cash in a favor from an old friend. Inko grinned manically she would make Toshinori pay for even thinking of divorcing her.

Inko smiled when she heard her daughter walk into the room. Inko ordered pizza for both of them before she went up to her room and made a quick phone call.



Words count:800.

Thats it for this chapter remembers to vote and also, I love you all my sweet-buns.

bye my loves, until next Tuesday. <3

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