21 | birthday tears

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birthday tears


have i known you 20 seconds, or 20 years?

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me. today is my day. everyone is celebrating me. 14 year old me would be surprised i even made it this far. but im so grateful to still be here with people that i love and cherish most.

this party is the one thing ive been looking forward too the most. julia came over to help me set up since it was too much to do by myself especially on my birthday.

"i cannot believe you're letting matt bring katelyn" her voice strained as she reaches to hang some lights up.

"me either," i sigh. "i just don't want to argue with him on my birthday"

this party is stressful enough i don't need to add to it.

"hopefully she doesn't do some stupid shit" julia doesn't like katelyn, no one does, i dont even think matt likes her thats much.

"im really just hoping she stays away from me so i dont feel tempted to cuss her out" i shrug, continuing to plug in the speakers.

"and i think ive lost hope in this whole 'i like matt' situation." my mood changes instantly. talking about this just makes me confused yet so upset.

"how come? i thought you were so sure about it" julia frowns at me.

"well yeah, but that was until katelyn got here." i turn around and take a seat on the couch. "he's just so confusing. one second he's saying we're just friends, then some flirty shit, and the katelyn is just something else." i sigh, burying my head into the pillow next to me.

"no i get you, but i know he likes you, i can tell. he's probably just scared of rejection, just like you." julia sits down trying to comfort me.

"i dont think so, he said it himself we're just friends" im so tired of thinking about this.

"lets go get ready, talking about this makes me want to scream" i say getting up and walking in to my bedroom.

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘. - 𝘮. 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘰Where stories live. Discover now