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Am I even real to you?

Seems an odd thing to say

Given that we talk a little still, each and almost every day

But I want to know

I fear to ask

Would you still see me

Or "like the view"

If I never kissed your ass?

Or let you give me reasons to?

What if I wanted to indulge more than just my saccharine saucy soliloquies? I know more than you think, I feel more than you'd admit. I'm more than a mouth and a slit, and deeply you know it.

What if I wanted to banter

On and on

About the moon, the stars, the paradox of a planet we live on

Would you let me? Even if it meant we couldn't tie our souls desperately after? Even if at the end of the night, the only thing I wanted to hear yelped in my ear sometimes was just your breathless laughter?

If I asked to see your soul again

Would you show me?

Would you trust me with all the brightest parts of your personality

The ones beside spectating, I have yet to see?

Would you let me dust off and hold those lovely parts, and crystallize/ love the darker ones even more?

Would you let my identity in "us" be more than just a whore?

If the price of our relationship was also loving my full personality would you Pay it?

If I gave 2bvyou my heart again would you  Break it? ///first

If I lent a hand would you Take it?

If I wanted to be, more than a dark delicacy, would you plant that seed of hope,

If I loved you

And I do.

would you let me?

Like a thin glass full of shampain and regret shredding down my throat, piercing my soul on its way down, threading manic spirals around my melancholic insides

I am more scared of myself than you realize

For if I touched you



Unable to even mentally settle

It takes an insane amount of inner violence to make myself always so gentle

With you

With you

How can I ever put my hands on you?

Tears racing, straining my head I want to desperately incise

I give you so much grace because I see myself in your eyes

Someone left the water running

Someone left the water running

And I am always more in disguse

Sexual perversion no I am of the deeper kind

I will penetrate your mind with light and burn it alive

Someone left the door open

And I will never leave you behind

But if I touched you

And if I touched you

You will feel

How much I still love you after all this time

And the water will still run

And the door will shut

And you will leave me behind

And you will douse our flame

And quench your mind

And you will conclude once more

That I was nothing more

Than a waste of dependent time.

Or worse

You will feel

What've I've felt

All that I've felt

For you

After all this time.


There is in itch in my brain that I can't seem to reach

Only with poetry that I write, and you'll read back to me

WHO would ever want me

I am a cacophony of issues

A tragophilic symphony

Of dichotomy

Putting energy in me is putting hope into a god who's perfection youll never ever get to see

WHO will see me.

WHO will listen

When all am is squandered divinity. A waste of time

When could you ever feel

That I deserve

For you to be mine?

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