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Izuku scrunched up the paper he was writing on and threw it next to his trash can, the small pile from an hour now threatened to be the same height as his desk. He had been writing, or attempting to write, a confession for someone he knew didn't and never will feel the same way yet wanted to make the man aware of what his hate was doing to izuku's poor heart.

Recently izuku was told he had hanakhai disease, and was instructed to give his feelings to the man or woman causing this pain to the small male. Izuku knew exactly who it was but told the doctors and his mother that he'll seek them out and confess before his time runs out. The greenette sighed softly and grabbed one of the uncrumpled drafts and signed his name at the bottom, shakily getting up out of his chair to go and find Katsuki Bakugou, the cause of his pain. He wobbled out of his room, leaning his body weight on walls and other students doors to get to the elevator.

When he reached his close destination he pushed the button and the doors opened, revealing the man he so desperately needed to see. Izuku opened his mouth to speak but nothing other than blood and pink petals escaped his lips. A hand instantly shot up to his face to cover his mouth and he shoved the note in katsuki's hands, turning around and nearly collapsing on his short walk, or wobble, back to his dorm room. Izuku shoved the door open with whatever strength he had left and collapsed onto the floor, violently coughing up petals that were close to being full flowers. He couldn't bare this torture any longer.

Back at the elevator Katsuki read the note what was forced into his hands, and his eyes widened in shock. He had no idea of the pain he was causing his childhood friend, and yet through the surprise he received, a little part of him wanted to dismiss the situation and that's what he did for the next week or so. Sadly in Izuku's case he only had two weeks left for Katsuki to apologise for the pain he's given to izuku.

Laying in the hospital on life support, izuku was having a weak conversation with his and katsuki's mother, telling them that Katsuki was the love interest that caused him this. As mitsuki pulled her phone out to call her son, he burst in almost pulling the door off its hinges, tears streaking down his face and his eyes all red and puffy. He rushed over to izuku's side and begged for forgiveness as he didn't believe the greenette's note, not realising the seriousness of the situation. He confessed that he only saw izuku as a rival and the slightest bit of a friend which hurt the smaller male deeply.

Izuku accepted what the blonde had stated and sat up slightly, only to cough up full gorgeous pink flowers, along with a large splotch of blood into his lap. He knew that he didn't have long left, a few minutes at most, and wished farewell to his mother, childhood rival and auntie. Izuku laid back down and let out a soft sigh, going completely limp. Katsuki cried out in pain, Mitsuki and inko trying to pull him out of the room or at least away from Izuku's bed so he didn't suffer too much.

At last izuku felt at peace, his throat wasn't spouting blood in random places and he wasn't having violent coughing fits anymore. But he's hurt his love interest deeply and then, only then, did Katsuki realise how much the greenette actually meant to him.


620 words!!!

i'm proud of this tbh, i don't really do angst so im happy

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