she gets jealous of how close you are to Yoona (requested)

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"Baby! I'm home!" Taeyeon announced as she walked through the door. "Where are you at? I brought food."

She set the bag of takeout down on the table and watched you walk down the stairs as laughter fell repeatedly from your lips.

Her eyes lit up when she saw you but the smile that was on her lips faded as soon as she saw Yoona following behind you.

"Oh. Yoona's here... again." Taeyeon said as she stared at her friend with a forced smile.

"Oh, um," Yoona said. "I should probably go."

"No, Yoona, you don't have to." You said.

"No, it's okay. I have to get home anyway, it's getting late. But I'll see you again tomorrow?"

"Sure!" You excitedly said and watched her gather her things up before she gave Taeyeon a quick hug and walked out the door.

"So... you and Yoona were hanging out again, huh?"

"Yeah." You said as you kissed her cheek, only for her to pull away with a sigh. "What's the problem?"

"You and Yoona have been hanging out every day this week."


"And now you were upstairs in our room with her?"

"Oh, so now I can only hang out with my friends downstairs?" You asked.

"That's not what I mean." Taeyeon defended. "It's just... you're really close with her."

"What's so bad about that? Isn't it a good thing that I get along with your friends so well?"

"I don't know, Y/N. It just bugs me that you're hanging out so much with her. Especially since tomorrow is my day off and you made plans with her before I got the chance to make plans with you."

"Okay, well I can tell her that we can rearrange them for the following day."

She sighed as she hung her head.

"Taeyeon, why are you jealous?"

"I don't know." She said. "I just am. I don't like that my friend's getting to spend more time with my girl and for all I know you could be giving all my cuddles away to her."

"I am not." You chuckled. "We were just watching funny videos on my phone and talking."

"I know you're not going to do anything with her, like cheat. But I guess I'm just jealous seeing you so close to my friend and knowing that you'd rather spend time with her than me."

"That's completely untrue. You've been working hard so I haven't had the chance to spend time with you over the last couple of days, so I've just been hanging out with Yoona. But if you have time off then I am all yours."


"I promise, my love." You said, softly kissing her lips. "And I promise, nothing more is going on between Yoona and me. We're just friends and we enjoy hanging out. That's all."

"I trust you both. I know there's nothing going on between you. I just got jealous. But I shouldn't have and I'm sorry."

"It's okay." You smiled as you kissed the corners of her lips again. "Come on. Let's eat and cuddle."

"Sounds great." She grinned and sat down on the sofa with you, happy to have some quality time with you.

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