Chapter 1

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(A/N: I've been wanting to do this for a while and then writer brain struck so here we go!
Also I'm starting with an angsty story because yeah. So there's murder and death)


"Oh....oh shit, no no no no no-"

Kylie doesn't respond with words, she whimpers and cries out in pain.

Princess can't save her, can't stop her from dying, but they hold her hand and tell her to hold on like it's all going to be okay.

"Stacy's coming, she's coming and she'll get over in time, just hang on..."

Kylie just laughs, and squeezes Princess's hand when it makes the pain worse. "We've been through this...t-too many times for me to b-believe you."

She's right, and it makes Princess cry because damn it, they've put this kid through so much.

How the hell did this happen?

Princess was dead and free and actually happy to be dead because they weren't hurting anyone anymore, Kylie had just turned 21 and enjoying a life of peace and happiness like she deserved, and Craig had finally repaired his friendship with Clyde and was making up for lost time.

Then, Princess and Kylie were back in that cell.

A few more loops and the three found out they were in this together.

It was at that point that Kylie tried to kill Princess, which was deserved.

But when you're stuck in a time loop with seemingly no end, there's time for things like forgiveness.

Now Kylie has her killer begging her to stay alive, begging her to hold on and crying their eyes out.

"I-it's okay....don't w-worry about me..."

But she has to let go.

Princess waits until her grip loosens and she takes her last breath.

And then they scream.

(A/N: ah yes, angst. My favourite thing to write)

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