Chapter 3

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(A/N: where Kylie isn't immune to the Egg because she doesn't go to church, and Princess faces the consequences of this in a Very Not Fun way)

[Kylie: hey can you meet me at *coords*

[Kylie: like asap preferably]

[Kylie: please]

Princess doesn't question it, doesn't question why she's asking her and not Craig.

No, the blonde simply heads to the location because she has nothing to suspect that something's not quite right.

While Kylie still doesn't completely trust her, which is very understandable, it's kinda nice to think they're on this much of good terms.

So Princess arrives at the location, but there's no sign of Kylie anywhere.

This is when she starts to get suspicious.

And barely manages to avoid a sword attack in the next second.

It's Kylie, which is surprising, but what's even more surprising and terrifying is her new look.

There's like a thousand percent more red in her appearance other than her hair.

It's clear what's happened: the Egg has her.

Her green eyes are crimson, vines are wrapped around her legs and arms.

She's not in control of her own body but she's fighting to stop herself from attacking again.

"Run," Kylie manages to get out.

"Kylie, please, it's me. We're....we're good, it's gonna be okay," Princess tries.

She really doesn't want to leave her like this.

" can' water....please help...go!"

It becomes clear that Kylie is trying very hard not to put her sword right through Princess's guts, so she listens.

She runs.


The loop had started after construction on Kylie's hotel project had begun.

Since Craig doesn't get involved with the hotel until much later, he hasn't really been at the main area except when he helped to bail Princess out.

The blonde was in hiding most of the time, but occasionally visited him to check in and update on anything relevant.

She usually messaged before coming by, so getting a message from her wasn't unusual.

The message itself was, however.

[Princess: Kylie's been infected by the Egg, she's trying to kill me. I'm at the Church and she can't get me but she's outside, I can't move. Please help, Craig. Please]

He called as he was on his way, running as fast as he could.


"It's funny that you care, considering how you abused me for months on end and then killed me in a fucking duel!"

It was constant, these taunts.

Princess could move, she could get a bucket of holy water and get the Egg out of Kylie.

But she can't bring herself to move.

"Yeah, you turned my brother against me! Who would've seen that coming? Then again, he's always been a shithead. Never would have guessed you'd be one too."

Clearly the Egg can't access Kylie's memories of the previous loops, only this loop.

Which is good and also not so good.

"I can't believe I broke you out, you should've been left to rot in that prison. You don't deserve anything but to die slowly in an overheated prison cell."

It's not Kylie talking, Princess should know this, but it sounds just like her.

It's too hard to ignore because of that.

"No one would care if I killed you, no one. I don't know why I broke you out, but it was obviously just to kill you. Why would you think it would be anything else?"

It's not her, it's not her, it's not her.

Don't listen, don't believe, because it's not her.

"You're nothing."

Don't. Listen.

Finally, it stops talking, but only because it's started enraged screaming.

Craig's here.


Princess didn't believe Kylie when she said it takes just one bucket of holy water to get the Egg out of someone.

But seeing it happen with her own eyes?

How could she not believe?

Craig had tied Kylie up and Princess could finally move to get the water, dumping it over her as instructed.

The water takes the redness away just like she'd said it does.

"Thank Prime you listened," Kylie says.

But Princess isn't totally convinced this is actually her.

"We're at Loop 312, we started when I was starting the hotel. After two days here, we bailed you out. You went into hiding underneath the hotel, where your old house was."

"The only thing you can do against the Egg is stop it from using certain memories," Craig adds.

It doesn't make sense, but since when does anything?

Princess is too tired to deal with this anymore.

(A/N: I'm having so much fun with this lol)

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