I swear my family doesn't know how to respect boundaries... my cousin is always touching my things with out asking and I tried to tell them... all of them... that they especially my cousin... and all they say is "you don't have boundaries if your in my house!" Like if I'm in my room they would tell me they are gonna take my door off if I keep locking it...
All because I want SOME privacy... I don't want my summer to be all about them, NO! So why should they have to take my time to myself away?!
All they care about is my cousin... she comes in my room without permission... takes my fidgets and she KNOWS I have ADHD and need them... and I try to tell her mom but all she says is "oh shut up! Kids can't have ADHD it's only for adults! So stop complaining about it." And she just slaps me...
I swear I'm gonna kill myself...
I can't keep up with all this anymore... all this suffering... I just want them to respect my boundaries...
Just respect my boundaries...
Before it's to late...
My Vent Book
RandomI have been mentally unstable and decided to make a book were I can just let all me feelings go without being interrupted or someone else venting to me when I try to... or worst of all being made fun of...