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"I know!" Biana exclaimed, suddenly jumping up from beside Sophie on one of Everglen's massive couches. Sophie scooched a little closer to Fitz, who sat on her other side. Tam sat on Biana's other side, and Linh, Dex, and Keefe sat on the slightly smaller couch facing them. "Oh, don't look so concerned, Sophie," Biana said, smoothing her fitted, frilly pink dress. It had teal beads sewn onto the shoulderless bodice, in flower designs. Biana's arms and back were bravely exposed, showing the scars that Vespera had given her.

They're gone, Sophie reminded herself, shuddering. We defeated them.

Fitz wrapped his arm around Sophie's shoulders and took her hand, which Sophie realized was shaking.

"What's your idea?" she asked before the flashbacks could sneak their way into her mind.

Biana sat back down on the couch. "I thought we could have a week of only spending time together over Midterm break!" she exclaimed.

Keefe snorted and said, "Yeah. I'm sure some people would LOVE that." He shot a meaningful glance towards Sophie and Fitz and smirked. His eyes darted to their hands, which were tangled together, and his smile faltered. Quickly, he turned to Biana and Tam. "Don't forget you two. Don't think I haven't noticed something going on."

Biana flushed bright red, and Sophie realized that they had been spending more time together lately.

"As I was saying," Biana hurried on, her crisply accented voice a little softer, "maybe tonight we could all have a sleepover here at Everglen."

Dex's eyebrows shot up, but he didn't say anything.

"And tomorrow we can scoop mammoth poop at Havenfield!" Keefe offered.

Linh grimaced, and said, "Maybe we can invite Amy over and spend time with the alicorns, Iggy, Princess Purryfins, Walter, and Marty!"

Tam groaned and muttered something under his breath.

"I think that's a great idea!" Sophie interjected.

"Well, you're biased," Fitz said, poking her. "So your vote doesn't count."

Sophie glared at him, but couldn't stop her smile.

"You're adorable when you're angry," Fitz said. "Actually, I've told you that before."

Keefe groaned. "Get a room, you two."

Biana scowled at him and leaned on Tam.

"Oh, great," Keefe muttered. "I'll leave all of the planning to you guys. I'm DIPPIN'." He stood up and headed for the huge double doors that led to the hallway. "I'm going to check out Fitzy's room. See how many mushy things from Sophie he has on display."

"Wait for me!" Dex called, scrambling off the couch and dashing after Keefe.

"Remember my suggestion!" Keefe reminded them as he headed down the sparkly hall.

Linh sighed and Tam brought Biana with him as he sat next to his sister.

"Okay, what about the other five days?" Linh asked, breaking the silence.

No one answered.

"Maybe we can help out at the Sanctuary or at Havenfield, kind of like Keefe suggested," Sophie offered. "But not scooping mammoth poop. Actually doing something fun."

"I guess that's something to consider," Tam admitted. "But maybe we don't tell him that it was based on his idea?"

Fitz laughed. "I suppose he probably wouldn't shut up about it if we did."

"That's probably enough planning for now," Biana edged, fidgeting. "Now can I please go up to my room to make sure Keefe isn't snooping around my stuff?"

Oh yeah, Sophie remembered. Biana used to have a crush on Keefe.

Tam nodded, letting go of her hand, and Biana sprinted for the hall.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tonight," Fitz said, standing up. He turned to Sophie and hugged her, then kissed her cheek.

"Yeah," she whispered. 

The Love Triangle - A KOTLC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now