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It's hot"

"It hurts"
"Please anyone"

These were the thoughts of a young boy lying on ruble  from a fallen building, one of many burning buildings in the city if it can even be called that anymore. A better description would be hell, the cries and shouts of help the only other thing that could be heard over the sound of the flames

"Hnnnn. Hnnnn"

The boy struggled to move the ruble off his body. He was Cut up,  burnt,  and bruised and yet he didn't give up  he kept pushing and pushing until there was enough space to climb out of  the ruble.

Looking around the boy cries out

"Mom... Dad!" His  voice echoed through the charred remains of what was once a bustling neighborhood. His desperate plea seemed to be swallowed by the raging fire and the deafening chaos that surrounded him.

His eyes, filled with tears and soot, scanned the apocalyptic scene. The air was heavy with the acrid smell of smoke, making it difficult for him to breathe. The flickering flames danced ominously, devouring everything in their path. Buildings lay in ruins, reduced to mere skeletons of their former selves. The once lively streets were now littered with debris, rendering them unrecognizable.

His frantic search for his parents continued through the crumbling city, the flames devouring everything in their path. The weight of despair settled heavily upon him as the realization sank in—his parents were gone.  Tears streamed down his face as he knelt down crying. But he stood up determined to live. His grief-stricken footsteps carried him through the desolation, his mind clouded with sorrow and determination. With every step, the city crackled and moaned , a symphony of cries could be heard from the crumbling ruins. He felt as though he were walking through a never-ending nightmare, the remnants of his shattered world surrounding him.

His legs grew heavier with each passing moment, his body drained of all energy. Finally, unable to endure any longer, he collapsed to his knees, his breath ragged, and his spirit crushed. Sweat and tears mingled on his dirt-streaked face, his heart aching with an indescribable emptiness.

As he lay on the scorched ground, he stared up at the smoke-filled sky. The acrid smell filled his nostrils. Thoughts of his parents consumed his mind, their absence tearing at his soul. He wondered if he would live, if he should live. Looking into the dark hole in the sky he felt hopeless

But just as he was about to  give up. He heard a noise not the Same noise that the city had made, it was footsteps and then he heard the voice that belonged to those footsteps. 

"Is anyone there"

He felt his heart beat faster and his hope began to return but the footsteps an the voice began to move farther away. With the last of his energy the boy desperately called out

"I'm .. I'm here"

"Please he.l.p"

With those words said the boy finally blacked out


A/n : this is the first chapter of my new story please give your opinion on the concept and on this chapter and it's wrighting thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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