🐾I own you

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"Hyung "



A persistent, annoying voice kept calling after him

The small sound of a petit pair of shoes stopped behind Sunghoon.

Sunghoon stood at the school gate and turned around irritated

"Don't call me hyung!" he spoke in anger showing through his expression

" You are not my brother you don't even look like me!" he tore on the younger boy's hair, who placed his tiny hands on his head to protect himself
" Your hair is curly, mine is straight we are not related, you are stranger to me!. Just go back to your own home!!" He kept shouting, to scare him off, making his eyes fill with tears, and lips already trembling so he can't say anything back.

The later obviously had no clue what Sunghoon was talking about, why he was so mean to him, and where he wanted him to go.

Sunghoon carelessly started walking away from school when the boy started sobbing


"H-hyung don't go" he had cried after him
Too afraid to cross the street alone, he couldn't follow any farther, unlike Sunghoon who was a smart kid and feared nothing , Even tho they were about the same age but Sunghoon was bigger in height and more mature for his age.

They were taught like that, they were supposed to look after each other, Sunghoon was supposed to hold the younger's hand and wait with him until his parents come to pick them up

But he didn't
Just the way he left him behind and never cared to look back.

He never got to see him again after that day...


Sunghoon sat down and rubbed his face as he woke up.

Again this shitty memory kept hunting him down even in his dreams.

He glanced at the sleeping boy in his bedroom.

Slowly sliding from his own bed, to join Jay who slept on a sleeping pad

Sunghoon caressed Jay's hair, and played with it
"Its still fluffy "





Today they were going to celebrate hoon's birthday with his dad
He was going to bring them to a fancy restaurant.
Along with kim's family

Jay was wandering around the big apartment cause he didn't know what to do,
Sunghoon wasn't giving him attention anymore, he was still upset.
But he couldn't guess if he was more upset at him or the fact that Sunghoon was meeting his dad knowing Park and him doesn't get along, and thats why he never comes home.

As Jay tried communicating with him it just made the tension grow, he made Jay feel unwanted around him.


"Jay dear" Rosé saw him

She was sitting on the balcony, dressed in one of her fairy dresses, looking effortlessly pretty.... just like Sunghoon.

Jay sat next to her, and the first thing she did was wrapping her arms around him and hugging his head.

"BabyJay What is it, why are you sulking today?".

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