Class D

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With the entrance ceremony finished, we made our way to our classrooms, I decided to wait a little bit, telling Hasebe to go on ahead, the situation I was placed in was a weird one. I mean one day I'm living my normal life and next thing I know I get sent into a fictional world? Doesn't happen everyday.

With the flock of students up ahead I had a little time to gather my thoughts, getting ready for the most arduous obstacle for my highschool life (again).


God how I hated them, especially in a crowded setting, one slip of the tongue or voice crack could send you into the tips of unpopularity, friendships wouldn't happen and overall it would just be sad to have to go through that again.

So I displayed a bravado of confidence, not too over the top, but enough that it will be recognisable. I rummaged throughout my thoughts, trying to come up with something good so that I won't be ostracised.

And so, with a plan in hand i made my way to homeroom, inspecting the corridors on the way for information that could be beneficial for my future at ANHS. Of course the cameras, ever-vigilant, were scattered throughout, there were a lot of them, makes me wonder how some guys even missed them.

I arrived at a sign telling me my class, I looked left and right, seeing if anyone was there, there wasn't. So I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, with growing courage I reached out for the door and slid it open. I walked in, a few stares of my classmates were directed at me, though only for a few seconds, they then redirected their attention back onto their conversations.

Though I had this feeling of being watched, glancing at the corners of the classroom I could see a couple of security cameras, Chabashira must really be diligent in her work to go through this footage and count our misbehaviours. Making sure nobody was looking with a quick scan of the classroom, I quickly showed a peace sign to one of the cameras.

Making my way towards the windows I saw my seat, looking at the plate it had it said my name. 'Saku Kiseki' I looked to the left and saw an empty seat. It's nameplate read 'Kiyotaka Ayanokoji' would you look at that, my seat was conveniently placed in front of the protagonist, I wasn't complaining though, more of a chance to be allied with him.

Silent laughter echoed to my right. Looking over i could see Hasebe with her hand over her mouth, stifling her angelic laughter.

"Pftttttttt did you really just do a peace sign at the camera Kiseki-kun" Hasebe said, trying to hold in her laughter.

Embarrassed I responded.

"Well in my defence I checked if anyone was looking before I actually did it. You must've slipped my mind"

"Though that does beg the question as to why you were staring at me" I quickly added

I could see her ears turn red, she looked away whilst crossing her arms under her chest, causing me to quickly avert my eyes.

"W-well I was just wondering where my new friend was! Yes that's it!" She sagely nodded her head, slightly blushing.

I chuckled, then I carefully placed my bag under my desk, and then proceeded to sit down. Throughout this little interaction between us the classroom had already filled up. Looking to my right I could see a boy with dark coloured hair, I decided to introduce myself and gain a new acquaintance.

"Hey," I called out to him, grabbing his attention.

"I'm Kiseki Saku, what's your name?" I said whilst holding out my hand.

"Oh uh I'm Miyake Akito, it's nice to meet you man" He gripped my hand firmly, prompting a handshake to occur.

"I look forward to our 3 years together Miyake-kun"

"Same here bro" he responded.

Before i could get any more words out of my mouth, a mature woman who looked to be about 30 years old walked into the room wearing a suit. She had a beautiful, serious face, plus long black hair that was styled into a ponytail. She also had a very alluring figure, something that i'm finding is very abundant in this world.

"Ahem." She said, gathering the attention of every student in the classroom

"Good morning to you, students. I'm the instructor for Class D. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach Japanese history. However, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope to get to know all of you. It's a pleasure to meet you. I will now distribute written materials with information about this school's special rules. I will also hand out the
admissions guide."

The students in the front were handed the documents, they then passed them backwards towards the others. Of course, being an avid reader of Classroom Of the Elite I don't need to look at the rules, so instead i paid attention to Sae.

"I will now hand out your student ID cards. By using your card, you can access any of the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store, and so
on. It acts like a credit card. However, it is imperative that you pay attention to the points that you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything. Anything located on the school premises is available for purchase."

I partially tuned out the rest of what she said, though my attention was quickly brought back when the classroom erupted.

"Shocked by the amount of points you've been given? This school evaluates its students' talents. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. You can use your points without restraint. After graduation, however, all of your points return to the school. Because it's impossible to exchange your points for cash, there's no advantage to saving them. Once points have been deposited into your account, it's up to you how to spend them. Do as you like. In the event that you don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However, extorting money from your peers is not allowed. This school monitors bullying very carefully."

In retrospect it's pretty obvious what she's alluding to, though on my first read through the novel, I too was a bit suspicious.

"Well, it appears no one has any questions. I hope that you enjoy your time here as students." she stated before walking away.

I looked across the classroom to see looks of bewilderment, of course, most of these dumbasses would spend all their points, and of course, I won't do anything to stop it, they deserve it. The only thing i'll do is help those that I deem as my friends.

COTE: My Life in a Fictional WorldWhere stories live. Discover now