i dont see her often but shes still my sister

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Summary: Pistachio and Yuki hung out a lot as kids. Until Pistachio turned 6, Yuki 11. Pistachio shares some stories, and in the mild of one. They meet again

Yuki looked at the 2 year old in her arms, he mom had dropped by and told her to watch him for a bit and he dad wasn't home so she couldn't ask him for help

Either way the baby just kept staring at her, "....so whats your name?" She asked, he didn't respond

"Oh right, you're a baby....hm...." she glanced around the room and saw a bag of Pistachio nuts

"Ooo ooo! I'm gonna call you Pistachio!" She stated and he cooed at her, "oh do you like it? That's great!" She said, tail tip wagging

"So what do you like to do? Draw? Eat? I bet you like naps little baby" she teased, which got her a soft baby smack on the cheek, and she giggled much to his distress

"I like you, I think you're my brother? Right? That means I'm your big sister!" Yuki said cheerfully, sitting him down in the couch

"I'll go get paper and stuff!" She announced and left to get it
"Go! Go! Go!" A 5 year old Pistachio yelled, on Yukis back

"I'm going! I'm going!" She yelled back, running along the forest trail and past trees

"Eep!" She yelled, barely missing a tree root. Soon she skidded to a stop at the park, panting but happy

Pistachio giggled as he was put down, "you're so FAST!" he complimented

"Oh yeah" Yuki said cockily, "I'm the fastest on the block!" She yelled, tail flickering behind her happily

Pistachio laughed and tagged her, "I bet you can't catch me though!" He yelled as he ran away

"Wha- come back her you little baby!" Yuki yelled, chasing after him but purposefully going slower
"What the hell happened to your wrist?!" Yuki demanded as she sat him down on the toilet to grab the bandages and disinfectant

She grabbed the stuff, placing it along with the ice packs she'd put on the counter

"Or should I aks WHO did it to you?" She asked suspiciously, and grabbed the disinfectant

His wrist was bruised and had clear nail, claw? markings and scratches. Like he's tried to pull away but the culprit just held on harder

Pistachio didn't say anything, he had tried to HIDE it! But that didn't matter, she knew now and was going to take care of it

"Alright, this might sting" she said, gently holding his wrist so she could properly apply the disinfectant

Posta him winced and she felt a pang of being a failure if a big sister in her chest

"....so, who DID do this to you?" She asked, more gently then last time

"I- I can't tell you...." Pistachio admitted

"Why?" She asked

"I- you- you won't be able to do anything about it anyways...." he stated, trying to deflect

"Pistachio....." she sighed, grabbing the ice pack and putting it on his wrist, "it doesn't matter if I CAN do anything, I can at least try"

"....you really can't but....mom got really mad and....." Pistachio trailed off and Yuki felt her hackles rise

"Lilith did this?!" She asked, voice tense, Pistachio nodded and she took a breath. She didn't wnat to scar ever little brother

"Im going to kill her" she growled and Pistachio shook his head

"You cant- like, literally she's technically already dead so you can't- plus she's a-"

"head of hell..." Yuki and Pistachio said at the Sametime and she let out a low, gravity, sigh

"Yeah, I know, still this isn't okay, you know that right? You dont deserve this to happen" She asked just wanting to make sure

"Yeah....she just gets mad, says I'm not focusing enough on ranking up.." he muttered

Yuki rolled her eyes at the mentions of ranks, they were stupid

Nonetheless she begun bandaging up his bruised wrist, "well, ranks are stupid anyways" she huffed, and smiled when she heared him giggle

"Okay, im done. What about we play a game- or go to the park?" She asked

"Hmm, sharaid?" He asked and she smiled

"Question, how'd you get the name Pistachio?" Luke, the newest member of the band asked

They was a rank 1, though pretended to be a rank 2. Pistachio wouldn't tell, he wasn't a snitch

"Oh, my sister gave it to me!" He said cheerfully and Luke tilted their head

"You have a sister?" They asked, and Pistachio nodded

"Yeah her names Yuki, she looks a lot like my mom, actually" he said with a shrug, "haven't seen her since I was 6 though...." he trailed of

"Yuki, yuki, yuki?" They repeated, "I feel like I've seen her?"

Pistachio froze, "what? No, shes- she's on earth so, yeah"

Luke hummed and nodded, "Yeah no, I definitely saw her- maybe she died?"  They suggested

And Pistachio felt his heart stop, he knew Lilith had been....taking about Yuki more often- she didn't kill her though right?- right?

"Oh is this like a band club?" A fimiliar voice asked and he practically ripped off his mask and wiped aorund to see m

"Ugh why are you here?" Val asked

"To see who was making the music, you guys are pretty loud" she said in that fimiliar accent

He took a step forward, she didn't see him yet, nonetheless when he tackled her in a hug she hugged back- when did he start crying?

"Woah, you okay, I'm right here" Yuki said softly, patting his back

"What the hell is happeneing?" Val asked and Luke looked between them

"Ohhhh, so I WAS right! This IS your sister!" They said happily

"Wait what?- Pistachios got a sister?" Val asked and Luke nodded with a toothy smile, "Huh, well that explains why she looks like her" Val referenced

No idea how big the age gap between them is, I think it's like 4 or 5 years-

Anyways, just a lil' au I wanted to make where sibling duo knew eachother for a long while

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