The Beginning Of My Hopeful Happily Ever

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No one could be him in my eyes . His one in a million to me & a rose in a field of sunflowers.

But I wish that he felt atleast half of the love I had for him , for me . He had my heart since day one & will till infinity.

He had it all, the looks , the personality even body.  I'd give it all to be the one he calls " mine " .

"Lin-Rose "

I woke up to see Mrs Daisy looking at me with daggers as if I'd just stolen her lunch. 
" My deary if you are to fall asleep in my class one more time , I will not hesitate to phone home. What's the point of attending my classes if all you're going to do is sleep?!"

My cheeks had to be red , I could feel them burning.  With a sincere apology I put my head down and tried my best to pay attention without daydreaming about him again.  Gosh it was so hard !!

As the bell rang , all I could think to myself was thank God this day was almost over, I couldn't wait to get home and eat myself sick.

" Rose -lin"

That's Luke's voice I thought to myself... Am I daydreaming?! No can't b-

" helloooo"
Luke - ....I said rather asked ,God I couldn't mess this up more even if I tried. 

" are you okay? I've been calling your name so much but you totally ignored me"

I - uhm
IsortofleftthestoveonathomeandIgottarushback .
I wanted to punch myself, I'm so stupid!

"Well before you go I was wondering if you could give me your number so we could get to know each other " he said with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen .

Sure I most likely screamed.  I handed him a piece of paper with my number on it and walked him

* ding*

Unknown: heyy there beautiful 😉


Everything went black .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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