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Note: Hey there! This is my first ever one shot and fanfic. Please understand that it's also unedited cause I wrote this for the Percabeth Awards in, like, two days. If there are inaccuracies, I apologize. This story alternates between the POV's of Percy and Annabeth. 

Fun fact: I was among the people who actually grew up with the PJO series when they first came out. It's been awhile since I've read the books, but PJO has always been a series held close to my heart, as it made me into a reader and inspired me to be a writer! I thought I'd write a one shot though to celebrate the upcoming Disney+ series that I will definitely be watching with my dog. 

Note 2: I completed this story while abroad. For some reason, certain words, letters, or phrases are changed when I press 'publish' button on Wattpad, in spite of me trying multiple times to fix things. Please keep this in mind while reading, and let me know if there's anything I need to edit. Thanks! 




Percy liked to think he was a smart guy – even if Annabeth; the literal child of wisdom insisted on calling him Seaweed Brain.

Sure, he could be an idiot at times.

He'd fought The Minotaur, The Titan Lord Kronos, and had defeated Gaea alongside his friends in the war between the children of the Gods and the Titans.

Ok, maybe those weren't idiotic things - they were actually pretty spectacular.

But still... if there was one thing Percy knew best, it was how to surprise someone.

His girlfriend had been hard at work as of late working as a liaison between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.

Something about her working with Reyna to build a tunnel connecting the two camps. 

He wasn't sure how that was going to work given how far the two camps were from each other, but he was confident that Annabeth would find a way.

Connecting the two camps would help unify the Roman and the Greek campers even more so than they already were. 

Plus, it wouldn't hurt not having to worry about being attacked by axe-weilding demon grandmothers or telkhines when you could just take the tunnel.

It was cute whenever she talked about the project, though her long monologues regarding "high-beam structures "and "3D models" were a bit much for his ADHD brain to handle. Most of the time, he'd sit there and listen, mumbling a "yeah" and an "uh huh" to indicate he was still listening, though he suspected she knew he wasn't.

She was that smart.

Which was why he needed to ensure that their anniversary went perfectly – no monsters, no angry gods, and definitely no starting another war.

As far as he was concerned, he'd served the first few years of his life as a pawn for the Gods – more specifically as Hera's pawn, only to suffer greatly.

He'd earned his rest, and he intended to spend the rest of the life he had left with Annabeth.

He almost cursed himself for thinking this though, when he felt a cold presence materialize behind him.

Percy drew Riptide out of his pocket and clicked it open, spinning around to face whatever monster would greet him. 

He'd never told anyone this, but ever since the Little Tiber had washed away his Curse of Achilles he'd felt vulnerable.He was within the boundaries of Camp Half-Blood, but that didn't mean he felt any safer. Defeating the Earth Mother had angered many of the monsters in the depths of Tartarus, which had in turn made him a popular target amongst monsters seeking to sate their appetites for unsuspecting half-bloods.

Elysium: A Percabeth Oneshot ✔️Where stories live. Discover now