Bodies Should Stay Buried

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"Vic, the war is over, it has been for a while. We need to move on... maybe you should too?"

Hermione's words cut deep, they stung but they weren't wrong.

She was deep in a well of grief, no way out in sight. Sitting in the newly refurbished great hall all she felt was bittersweet memory. His laugh, the way she'd blush as he snuck a kiss on her cheek before class, basking in the spring sunshine by the bank of the black lake, her head resting on his lap staring up at his golden smile and fiery hair. Victoria dreamt of the past and dreaded the future.

Hermione was right, a change of pace was vital and so she found herself looking up flights to Virginia.


Rays of sunshine filtered through her bedroom blinds gently awakening her. Her hand raised up to the light, fingers dancing gently making the light hop and skip rhythmically.


Victoria was brought out of her trance by a ball of fiery energy named Ginny Weasley pouncing on her like a tiger.

"You're awake!"

"Yes Gin, I am now." Victoria said moodily before breaking into a grin. She could never stay mad at Ginny. The woman was her best friend and at times only confidant. At one point she thought they may even get to be sisters but that was a different time, a brighter time.

"Oh cheer up grumpy pants, you know you love my wake up methods!"


"Sooooo V, what hell is there to raise round these parts?"

Ginny's smirk meant chaos would ensue, Tori was well accustomed to it by now.

"Hmm, well we could spy on Elena? See what mess my sister has gotten herself into now? The girl seems to have surrounded herself with the supernatural, she's a bigger trouble magnet than I am G!"

"Ughh, that sounds like a chore."

"There will be whiskey."

"Let's go!"


The two witches arrive at the Salvatore boarding house and are greeted by a certain raven haired sarcasta-bot.

"Ah it's Spooky Spice and Ginger Spice! What brings you two to my humble abode?"

"First of all, she was called SCARY spice and secondly, wait V why are we here again?"

"We're here Gin to get an update on my doppelganger sister's idiot of the week moments."

"Ahh in you come Spooky, Red. This will take a while, and a fair amount of bourbon." The vampire gestured for them to come in.

"Woo whiskey! You were right V!"

Victoria smirked, rolling her eyes affectionately at her goofy best friend. "Yes G, I was right."

So, this week on the Elena does whatever the hell she wants show, she'd managed to majorly piss off Bekah. After bombarding her with the truth about her childhood and mother's death Rebekah was all ready to kill her brother. So much stupid, one, what kind of way is that to tell someone about their past. Two, doesn't anyone in this one pony town do any research, there's a funny little thing called sire lines! Three, Klaus was needed her alive, he wasn't even a threat!

"Damon, seriously, you can see how insane all of this is right? Klaus won't touch her while she's full of blood he needs for his hybrids. In fact, I'd say she's safer now under his protection than she ever was under Stefan's." Victoria informed him.

It was like something finally clicked in his brain. How long was he going to let Katerina rule over his life. She never loved him, and following after Elena like a lost puppy was slowly killing him. She drew him in with her false innocence and let's be honest, her face; he needed to move on.

"You know what Tori, you're right. Say, you wouldn't happen to have a spare room in that house of yours I could stay in? Stefan has gone bonkers, and the boarding house seems to have become a meeting spot for the scoobies."

"You want to stay with me?" Victoria was honestly shocked that he was broken out of her sister's trance so easily.

"Yes Spooky, please?"

"Fine, fine, just stop being so nice! You're freaking me out!"

It seemed like her place was becoming a supernatural sanctuary for lonely witches and angsty vampires alike. She kind of loved that though, there was nothing she used to loved more than spending the Christmas holidays crammed in the Burrow, surrounded by people who loved her. Maybe she could be that for others like her? Maybe that could be her reason for living.


It had been a long day, Victoria sat alone on her porch, the cool breeze blowing through her hair. She was not long off the phone with Bekah, she explained that she'd done something stupid, got sucked into Elena's plan to take down Klaus. Her father was back and had only one goal, to kill his false son. Rebekah broke down, Klaus was on his way and he had no idea what was awaiting him. Or at least for now he didn't, Victoria had a few words for the self-proclaimed hybrid king.

"Hello love."


Hi all!  I am so sorry it's been so long since my last update! Life has been strange but I'm back to venting through fanfiction! 

Missed you all terribly, thank you everyone who has stuck by me and this story <3

Love, Lucy x

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