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It was a rainy day as you set out to get shopping for you aunt and uncle. You raise you white and black dotted umbrella as you beckon to you cousin, Jack, to come along. Jack smiles at you as he joins you under the umbrella. You smile back at that 12 year old face and ruffle his short, now messy, blonde hair.

After a while of walking through the empty and uninteresting street, you ask: "Want a race?"

Jack grins cheekily at you, his blue eyes sparkling. "You know I'll win," he spoke confidently.

"Lets see about that." You stop, putting down your umbrella and sliding it into your belt loop on the right hand side of your body as you lift up the hood of your jumper.

"Ready?" you asked as you got into a running start position.

Jack nods at you, raindrops from his wet hair and the sky flying over his head falling down on to the already soaked concrete bellow.





You charge forward, looking down at the ground as you try not to get raindrops in your eyes. After a while, you look to the side of you and see you cousin a little behind you but still keeping up with you. You chuckle quietly to yourself. I'm going to win. You carry on as you see the town. You slowly leave the path that goes from your aunt and uncles house to the village and venture onto the wider, more solid concrete paths.

"Too slow are you Jack?" you taunt your cousin as you turn down a small dark alley way.

Jack laughs loud enough for you to hear, "See you at the finish, loser!"

You carry on, not slowing down your pace; turning down many different alleys and streets until you see it. The shop is not even 200 meters ahead of you. You sprint towards it.

You saw an obstacle in your path to glory and you didn't even give it a second glance. Jumping up on a nearby skip, you lept into the air grabbing a flag pole hanging off the towns bank . After swinging on it a little, you let go and roll softly on the other side of the, now not so inconvenient, inconvenient obstacle. You run across the road, sliding over a oncoming car and appear at the front of the shop. Smoothing over your clothes and making sure that the outraged woman in the car didn't see your face, you look inside and around the shop but you can't see your cousin anywhere. Suddenly, you feel something hard hit you back.

"Yes! Direct hit!"

You turn around and see Jack aiming his slingshot at you.

Glancing balefully down at the rock that hit you in the back you explained, "you may have hit me with that measly rock, but I STILL beat you to the shop."

Jack jumps down from his perch on a nearby garden wall and joins you outside the shop. "Still, it was a good shot."

You look at him as you walk inside and pick up a basket. "You owe me a galaxy bar."

Jack groans as you both walk further into the shop.

You walk back down the path you raced down earlier, eating your galaxy bar with glee, and a smug smile plastered on your face.

"These bags are too heavy cuz!" Jack exclaimed, his arms strained as he carried his shopping bags.

"We are nearly there," you reassure him, "and just be glad the rain has stopped or you would have a lot more to complain about."

You walk up the short pebbled drive that belonged to your aunt and uncle and see some black cars parked outside the house. I have never seen them before... You turn around and raise a finger to your lips to silence your cousin as you walked closer to the house. You notice on one of the cars windows a label.

"Abstergo..." Jack reads. "Where have I heard them before...?"

You silence him once again, this time with and angry look and walk on to the front porch. You motion for Jack to drop the bags as you rest your ear onto the creamy wooden door frame.

"... where are they!?"

"We will never tell crazy men like you!"


You hear a gun shot and a thud on the floor. After a second of silence, you hear a terrifying scream.

"Shut up!" Silence was restored once again with the sound of a slap.

"Tell us, you bitch, where are they or you will end up like him!"

You hear sobbing.

"I.. I will never tell you! I... I will never sell out my own and my sisters child!"


"Fine, if that's what you want, so be it." Then you hear another gun shot and another sickening thud to the floor.

You felt the blood run from your face. Uncle... Aunt... You scream loud as you open the door.

"YOU BASTARDS!" you unsheathe your umbrella from your belt loop and swing it round, like it was natural instinct.

Guards dressed in police raid outfits turn towards you and un-clipped their guns from their belts. You felt the adrenaline pump through your veins as you charge forwards and knock one of them out as you narrowly miss a gunshot to your leg. Next, you hit a guard hard in the back of the knees with your umbrella and stand in time to hit him down before he recovered. You were doing well, now getting help from your cousin with his slingshot and rocks. Suddenly, you heard a lighter thud and turned to see Jack lying on the floor, unconscious. You turn and try to rush towards him.


Suddenly, you felt a flow of sharp pain working its way from your head to your toes and you fell to the blood soaked wooden floor, face first into the blood of your now dead aunt and uncle. As you lay on the blood soaked floor, you can see the blurry outline of your cousin and the distorted shape of the guards picking him up. You raise you hand out towards him before you lost your fight with consciousness.

You blink open your heavy eyes to the sound of muffled talking, only to find you were staring up at a pure white ceiling with many lights.

"Ah dammit!" you say as you shield your eyes with your arm. You clench your teeth as you felt a flow of pain rush up right from your fingers to your shoulder, giving a painful twinge at your elbow joint.

"Where am I?"

"Welcome back to the world of the living. My name is Doctor Brown, and welcome to the E project."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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