Run Away

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"Did.. did anyone else hear that?" Julie asked, slowly sitting up in her sleeping bag.

"Go back to sleep, Julie.." Sally answered, half-asleep.

"No, I- I swear I heard something! What if one of the- wait."

Julie looked around the dark room, though she couldn't make out too many details, she did notice that someone was missing from their sleeping bag.

"W- Where's Eddie?! Frank! Frank!" Julie whisper-shouted, leaning over to shake her friend's shoulders.

"Ughh.. Julie, what's the matter? This better be an emergency.." Frank groaned, running a hand through their black hair.

"Eddie is gone!"


"Yeah! He isn't in his sleeping bag!"

"...That isn't good one bit. Come on, let's go look for him. Grab your flashlight."

Julie nodded, getting up and grabbing her backpack, taking her flashlight out of it (which had little stickers on it).

Frank yawned, he was tired, but this was important.
So was sleep.. but, y'know, priorities.
The two puppets quietly exited the room, trying to make as little noise as possible so they wouldn't wake the others, or alert any potential threats lurking nearby.
Julie turned on the flashlight, illuminating the pitch black hallway.

"So.. what did the noise you heard even sound like?" Frank asked.

"Like.. roaring. And then a loud thud." Julie answered. "I hope nothing got in.."

"Shouldn't be possible." Frank shrugged. "The bunker is completely locked. Only way to get in and out is through voice recognition.."

"B- But.. those things can—"


The two puppets stopped dead in their tracks, both looking downwards.
..Eddie's tie. His rainbow tie.
It was torn to near shreds, covered in a dark, crimson liquid, that formed a puddle around it..
Frank's eyes widened, mouth agape.

"We need to get out. Now." They said.

"Now? But you said-"

"It's not safe here anymore. We need to get the others and leave before whatever took Eddie takes us. Come on, we have to hurry."

Frank grabbed Julie by the arm, pulling her as they both ran back into the room where the others were still asleep.
He flipped the light switch, causing a few of them to groan and rub their eyes.

"Everyone, we NEED to go. NOW." Frank said.

"Ughhh.. wha-?? What do you mean?" Poppy slowly lifted her head from her pillow, blinking few times to clear her vision.

"One of those things got in. And it took Eddie with it.. and we didn't find out until too late."

"WHAT?!" The rest of the neighbors collectively shouted.

"Sssh! If that thing is still running rampant, we don't want it to find us next and make us it's next meal. Everyone hurry and get your stuff packed up, and we'll leave through the emergency exit."

And so, they did.
No one said a word. Another beloved friend, taken from them in an instant.
And they couldn't even save any of them.
These things.. whatever the hell they were, they were probably stronger than all of them combined.
Frank was right. The Neighborhood wasn't the safe haven it once was.
There was another town, Verde Valley, but it was around 4 hours away.
It would be worth it, hopefully.. there were people there that could help.. they would be safe there, right?
The monsters can't follow them.. right?

Listen to me, please
We need your help
Don't trust them, please
They're trying to hurt you
We won't hurt you
We're friendly, we promise
We just wanna talk
Don't run
Don't leave
We need you
We need you
Need you
Need you

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