Author's Note/Author's Disclaimer

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This novel is set in a fictional/alternate version of Earth, with a fictional timeline, that splits from our own in the year 2020, in terms of major historical events, with some exceptions, such as some fictional characters and groups (like corporations) having been born or formed before 2020. Some real-life events which occurred after 2020 may occur in this fictional world/timeline in the same manner as, or a similar manner to, the way that said events happened in real life, such as Joe Biden becoming the forty-sixth president of the United States of America, the Taliban retaking Afghanistan when America's military—and other coalition forces—withdrew from Afghanistan, or the Russian Federation's baseless war of aggression against the nation of Ukraine, and subsequent Russian war crimes and crimes against humanity targeting Ukrainian civilians. This said, some events that have not already occurred in the real world at the time of writing this, or which will not ever occur in the real world, might occur in the fictional/alternate world—and the corresponding fictional timeline—of this novel, and any future sequels, prequels, or tie in works of fiction, which I may or may not produce, (such as specific public figures dying, not being born, or not coming into prominence—see also, the fictional Advent Virus).

Any violence in this novel, or any other works of fiction set in a shared fictional universe with this novel, is meant solely to tell an entertaining story, not to incite any vigilante action, terrorism, threats of violence, or acts of violence, of any kind, in any way, shape, or form.

While this novel has many characters of different backgrounds regarding religion and/or lack thereof, such as Atheists and Christians, and many different career backgrounds, such as police officers and former military personnel, these characters—depending on which character, or characters, are in question—are either NOT inspired by any real people, or, if inspiration was taken from real people, the characters in question are so loosely inspired by specific individuals, as to be COMPLETELY UNFAITHFUL to the reality of the people who inspired them. Additionally, the characters are NOT meant to represent the entirety of the people and/or groups of people, who make up the background of a character and/or a group of characters. For example, an Atheist character being a violent vigilante does NOT mean and is NOT intended to imply or state in any way, that all Atheists are violent, and/or operate as vigilantes. For another example, a police character taking bribes does NOT mean and is NOT meant to state or imply, that all police are corrupt, or that all police take bribes, just as a police character refusing to take a bribe does NOT mean that all police refuse to take bribes. The view, or views, of the characters on any given issue, are just that—the view, or views, of the FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, NOT the views of myself, the author. The author of this work NEITHER condones NOR condemns the views of these characters unless the author specifically states otherwise, in another place or format, OUTSIDE OF FICTIONAL WORKS.

Furthermore, the views of these fictional characters on medical issues, such as views on vaccines, and their views on individual medical, psychological, and other health conditions, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or any other such disorders, are the views of the characters and are NOT the view, or views, of myself, the author, unless specifically stated otherwise. Their positions on such matters—just like their positions on non-medical matters—are the opinions of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS and are NOT statements of fact.

In real life, one police officer being corrupt does NOT mean that all police officers are corrupt, just as one police officer being virtuous does NOT mean that all police officers are virtuous. One former/retired military service member engaging in criminal activities does NOT mean that all former military service members engage in criminal activity. One atheist being violent does NOT mean that ALL atheists are violent, just as one Muslim being violent does NOT mean that ALL Muslims are violent. Furthermore, one member of another religion being violent does NOT mean that ALL members of said religion are violent, and ONE person of any given ethnic or racial group being violent does NOT mean that ALL members of said group are violent. Meeting one person of a specific background is meeting ONE person, NOT meeting ALL people of that background. For example, meeting ONE person with Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known as ASD, is NOT meeting every person on Earth with ASD—it is meeting that ONE, INDIVIDUAL PERSON.

This is a work of fiction, meant SOLELY to entertain the readers/audience. This work of fiction is not meant to incite violence, hatred, or terrorism. It is not meant to incite, or reinforce, stereotypes and/or bigotry. I, the author, vehemently detest any and all attempts to pervert this work of fiction to incite, support, or reinforce, any type of violence, hatred, terrorism, bigotry, and/or stereotypes, and will oppose such attempts to pervert this text from its original purpose of entertainment, and towards such morally atrocious ends as those aforementioned—and vehemently detested—ends perpetrated by the less scrupulous people of the world, through all avenues which are practically possible, morally reasonable, and legally allowed.

Please enjoy this work of fiction I have written, and please remember that this book is just that—a work of fiction.

Firmest regards from the author of this novel,

Donald Lucas Hyatt III

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