Ride or Die

750 15 3

Synopsis :

It's Neteyam's aunt's, Sylwanin, wedding anniversary. Neteyam has no reason to be stressed. Hell, he will finally get to see his relatives from America and Nigeria whom he couldn't see in years because of the distance.

But that also means his whole family will finally get to meet Aonung, his boyfriend.

Huge problem, because his family is a bit...extreme.

A/N : For this fics, my headcanons are that Neytiri is African and Jake is American (like in the movie), while Aonung is Hispanic/Polynesian. So some of these cultures will get included, except the Polynesian one because I don't know much about it and don't want to spread false information.

-List of words -
Amor: love
Tesoro: treasure
Auntie: used a sign of respect to address an older lady that is related or close to your loved ones.

Also, this was inspirated by the song Mad Over You by Runtown. Good reading <33

Neteyam walked back and forth in front of the entry of the building

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Neteyam walked back and forth in front of the entry of the building. He checked his phone for the umpteenth time, only to sight at the empty lock screen.

No texts from Aonung.

The festivities had an hour ago and he had just arrived himself. He had let his parents enter the building first and decided to wait for Aonung as promised.

Today was his aunt's, Sylwanin, wedding anniversary. She and Tsu'tey had tied the knot 4 years ago - to everyone's relief - and it was finally the day where they celebrated their 5 years of marriage.

Neteyam had no reason to be stressed. It was his aunt's day and he was elated for her. Nigerians never did things in half, and she had organized a huge party. His whole family, from Africa and America, would finally be united for one night and he would get to see the aunts, uncles and cousins he hadn't seen in years due to the distance.

While he could barely hold his excitement, he couldn't help but be worried. This would be the first time his whole family get to meet Aonung, his boyfriend. Even though the boy was already adored by his parents and siblings - Lo'ak eventually warmed up to his constant presence and, for the sake of Neteyam, decided to push aside their issues-, he had yet to be accepted by their distant relatives. While Neteyam would not let this define his future with his boyfriend, deep down, he wanted him to be fully acknowledged and appreciated by his family members, and he could tell his partner felt the same.

Yet again, Aonung had managed to gain his parent's trust rather easily. Even if he seemed really...dry and unserious at first sight, he knew to be mature and reliable for Neteyam, which was quickly noticed by Jake and Neytiri noticed it.

The dark-skinned boy's heart fluttered at the memory of his boyfriend gaining his family's trust and the corner of his lips rose in delight.

He had nothing to worry about.

Neteyam x Aonung ONE-SHOTS (aonunete)Where stories live. Discover now