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Smoke trails up into the starry sky above the burning castle. Flames dance and thrash out of the windows and openings in the castle. Wood cracks and banners burn. Sparks shoot out of the flames, landing into the moat below. People scream and rush out of the castle. Blood splatters across the stones and grass.

A young woman stares down into the inky black moat below. Heart thudding, she can hear the heavy footsteps and the pounding on the door below. She feels cold terror take hold of her. Sweat slid down her forehead and neck.

Swallowing hard, the pounding and shouts grow louder. Wind tousles her dress, and she coughs against the smoke that hits her in the face. Once it clears, she stares back down at the water below.

If she doesn't jump now, she'll end up like the others. And she can't let them remain prisoners.

Squaring her shoulders, she jumps. Wind rushes past her and she slams into the water, knocking the air out of her. She scrambles to the surface, but her legs get tangled up in her skirts.

Finally breaching the surface, she gasps before coughing. Breathing fast, her hair clings to her forehead and face. Moving it aside, she swims towards the edge of the moat.

Climbing out, she can hear the shouting of men and horses whining. Frantically looking around, she sees the forest. Rushing towards it, she lets the trees and darkness swallow. Tree branches smack her while bushes catch on her dress, ripping it in several places.

A stitch begins to form in her side, and she feels her wet dress weighing on her. Her shoes squelch and squeak under her. However, other than her heavy breathing and cracks, the forest is silent. Moonlight peers in through the openings of the canopy above her.

Slowing to a fast walk, she swallows and veers off the path, into a shadowy area of the forest. Leaning against a tree, she begins to shiver, puffs of white smoke bursting out of her mouth. Teeth chattering, an arrow whizzes past her, and she gasps.

Heavy footsteps crash through the forest, and she turns, rushing through the forest. She has no idea where she is going. Or what she is going to do. Another arrow whizzes past her, nicking her arm.

Inhaling sharply, she clutches it and tries to run faster. Bushes continue to catch onto the skirts of her dress. Blood begins to soak through the sleeve of her dress. Turning sharply, she feels an arrow whizzing past her. Breathing fast and harsh, she hears a river running up ahead.

She skids to a stop when she sees the river. Water rushes and slams over and into rocks. Swallowing again, she can hear the men charging after her. Clenching and unclenching fists, she jumps onto the first rock.

Rocking back, she manages to gain her balance. Sweat slides down her forehead and she grits her teeth. Jumping onto the next rock, she shivers and feels the water sinking into her shoes.

An arrow whizzes past her, and she nearly loses her balance. Heart pounding faster, she jumps to the next one. Suddenly, an arrow slices past her, nicking her cheek. She gasps and water slams into her legs, causing her to slam into the water.

The water carries her away and she screams. Trying to cling onto some rocks, her arms slip, and she is unable to grip onto them. The river carries her off as her screams fade away...

The Lost Princess (Fairytale Retellings Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now