Chapter 2

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The woman feels the panic welling up inside of her and tears sting her eyes. The man's expression turns to one of concern.

"What do you remember?" he asks.

She shakes her head.

"I can't remember anything," she says. "My memory is nothing but a black curtain."

"You mean, you don't remember anything?" he asks. "About your name? Home? Family? Nothing?"

She shakes her head quickly, tears trickling down her cheeks. This is worse than she thought.

"Alright, hey let's not panic," he says, gently and leads her towards the castle. "Perhaps you're just exhausted. Maybe sleep and some food will help you to remember."

The woman nods in agreement and the young man helps her inside.

"I never got your name," the woman says, as she wipes away her tears. "And why are you helping a complete stranger?"

"My guards are right inside the doorway should I need them," he says as they step inside. She sees the guards. "And you look like you could use some help."

Warmth fills her and she begins to relax slightly. The entry area is large, with pillars reaching up to the ceilings. Lanterns line the halls as he takes her down one. The light from the lanterns reflects across the white tiled flooring.

"Well thank you," she says. "And considering you have guards; I take it this is your castle?"

He grins.

"As a matter of fact, it's my mother's castle," he says and gestures to some of the servants. "Please prepare a room for our guest. As well as some warm clothes, food, and a bath."

The servants nod and take off to do so.

"Oh and I am Prince Colton," The man says, turning back to the woman. One of the servants gestures for the two of them to follow her. "And it looks like your room is ready."

She allows Colton to lead her to her room, relieved that she finally has some place to stay for the night and is out of the woods.


The young woman feels exhaustion weighing on her as the maid tending to her brushes out her hair. After taking a long, warm bath, she was given some new clothes and her injuries treated. The room is very nice, with a lovely, large bathroom, and a wardrobe. She is too tired to protest such a nice room. Besides, how could she turn down such kindness? Everyone has been so nice and welcoming to her. She almost began crying again from their kindness. She'll need to find a way to repay them one day.

"You have lovely hair," The maid says and the woman smiles.

"Thank you," she says. "Now that it's not covered in every conceivable thing, it probably looks a lot better."

The maid smiles, her ice blue eyes twinkling in the lantern light. The maid, who is around the same age as the woman sitting before her, is a tall woman, with slender features and wavy, raven black hair that is done up in an updo. Her skin is a pale ivory, with a couple streaks of dirt.

"There," The maid says. "Now, you better eat. You look like you could use some rest."

Understatement of the year. The woman is ready to lie down. However, her stomach growls and the maid sets down a tray of warm bread, butter, cheese, and fruit. The woman begins to eat, barely restraining herself from devouring it in one go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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