37 - An Unexpected Visit

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Oliver was tired and stressed

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Oliver was tired and stressed.

As much as he tried to convince himself that he didn't care what Ivan and his father were conversing he knew very much that he was lying.

Oliver wanted to know.

He wanted to know badly.

The Doctor's hands tightened the on files as he thought of all the things Ivan and his father could be conversing about.

He should trust Ivan yet he still had the weird feeling that whatever it was he should definitely know.

"Oliver Blake?" a woman's voice called knocking Oliver out of his thoughts.

Oliver's eyes shift towards the sound where his name came from quickly meeting with blue ones similar to his.

A woman whose height was much shorter than he met his gaze.

Somehow Oliver could sense that She was much older than him despite looking very young.

It was the way she carried herself probably or it was the few strands of gray running through her hair.

Or perhaps the minor crinkle near her eyes which you couldn't barely see unless you were starting hard.

Which of course Oliver did, not to sound weird.

But the 37- year old man felt as though he knew this woman.

Like he had met her before, maybe he had seen her somewhere or had past her whilst walking down a street?

No, that wasn't it.

"That's me, I'm sorry do I know you? Are perhaps a patient?" Oliver queries, weirdly enough Oliver felt his heart pang a bit as if notifying him that something was off.

"Oh, No! But-Um," the woman stumbled over her words the thick frames of her glasses glaring against the hospital nights as she stared at Oliver.

The woman exhaled before inhaling a deep intake of air.

She closed her eyes before meeting them once again with Oliver's.

"I'm Olivia Blake," she announced stunning Oliver.

Immediately Oliver shook his head while Olivia nodded hers.

"No," Oliver expressed.

Oliver remembered why she looked familiar.

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