it's not under control! - 2

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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Has anyone ever told you that you take life too seriously Smoker?"

The last few minutes had been eventful for you and the navigator you'd just met, currently being chased by smoke while you maneuvered around the outside of the building in an attempt to escape from the marine. Ignoring the screams of the girl practically climbing your arm, you continued to dodge the white streams of smoke being shot from the marine captain.

"I'd expect a criticism like that to come from someone like you." Smoker responded from behind you, a failed swing from his jitte allowing you to once again gain some distance. "Especially someone low enough to steal for fun, (Name)."

The abrupt use of your name sent a sense of bewilderment throughout your body, and although you tried your best to hide your shocked expression, Smoker however, noticed the shift.

Taking advantage of the changed fluidness in your movements, Smoker quickly cut you off as you ran up the building, Nami gasping in horror as you gritted your teeth.

Quickly detaching your feet from the building, you began to free fall down the side of the building once Smoker began to materialize, the marine curling his eyebrows in frustration.

Quickly turning his body back into smoke, Smoker caught up to your body with relative ease, grabbing his jutte and thrusting the seastone tip full force into the side of your ribcage, your face grimacing as you slammed through one of the windows of the building.

Flying through the shattered window, you mentally groaned as you heard the screams of Nami across from you, Smoker now having the navigator wrapped in smoke as he made eye contact with your tumbling body, his eyes widening as you swiftly gathered your tumbling body into a sloppy backflip out the back window, a decision Nami was not pleased with.

Smoker quickly ran over to the now shattered window while still holding Nami captive, his mouth opening in shock as he took a look outside to see no trace of you.

Turning around, Smoker interrogated the navigator in anger. "You and her are associated with Straw Hat Luffy, aren't you. Give me one of their locations and I might let you go." Smoker spat, a nervous Nami putting her hands up in denial.

'Unbelievable! I should've known not to trust someone so shady that easily. Now i'm doomed!' Nami internally cried, Smoker getting more impatient by the second as Nami continued to not answer.

"Well...uh..." Nami started. "A-Associated is the wrong word to use... you clearly just saw her abandon me-"

The sound of a loud boom caused Smoker to dart his eyes up to your feet launching from the wall in front of him, the force being enough to destroy the wall entirely as you used the speed and momentum to snatch Nami from his smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2024 ⏰

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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐢 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 : One Piece x Reader x NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now