give 'em hell

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"lets just say, im a dead girl walking."


i shook off my bedsheets, and i could already tell i slept rough. my locks tangled within my hair, and my hair was more messy than ever. lets just say, it wasnt the best start to a morning. right?
i shook off my frustration to grab a cup from the cabinets, atleast this has something in it. i dislike everything being empty, it reminds me of a void of nothingness, waiting to fold me in. that isnt my biggest concern right now, my biggest concern is what im gonna wear today. i've always struggled with choosing clothes, its just so hard for some reason. the same with shopping! now listen, i love shopping but its annoying sometimes. a coffee shops probably better.

3rd person pov.

marina walked down the cobblestone pathway, the tiny rocks in her way as she kicked them tiredly. today wasnt the best of days for her to be in a mood.
trees rustled, and birds chirped, going god knows where. she looked down at her screen, avoiding any social contact. "ow!" marina wailed.
"watch it, dimwit!"

a girl with blonde locks looked her up and down before sneering.
"get a brush first then, asshole."
"tch, says the blondie bratz doll."

the blonde turnt around, mortified.
"its nothing, your stuck up personality wouldnt understand, anyways." marina scoffed before walking away, now avoiding the coffee shop.

??? pov

who the hell did she think she was? and i didnt know where else to go. calling me a bratz doll was pretty stupid as well, i mean seriously? now even the suns gone.
i paced back to my apartment, the once sunny weather now a massacre of rain and thunder. i opened my phone, because honestly who wouldnt in this situation?

•2 missed calls
oh shit, dads messaged? i opened my phone so i could see my wallpaper, a picture of me and my mom. i could change it but honestly, i dont wanna.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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