Its My Life!

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It was at my last day at home for a while because today is the day I start at Monday Night RAW. I was in NXT for a year and then Triple H called me into his office before I left last week he told me that would be debuting that coming Monday. I was ecstatic. I wrestle under the ring name Electra Heart but my real name is Ashley. As I was grabbing my things and leaving I heard a knock at my apartment door, surprised and confused thinking who could be at the door right now because I told all my friends and family that I was leaving that day for Monday Night Raw. It sucked knowing I would have to leave my hometown in Oregon and move 6,000 miles away to Florida, that's another reason why I was so confused because literally no one in my family would have traveled all this way without calling first, except maybe my best friend who was also in NXT with me Schatzie Blackheart. She would come over and visit me often and without calling, she was the type of friend who almost never called before coming over but she knew I was debuting today so I don't know why she would come over now. I pushed those thoughts aside and went to the door, I opened it to see no one other than my recent ex boyfriend Ethan, I then stopped in my tracks remembering all the shit he put me through. The first 6 months were fine, once it hit a year he started getting really aggressive with me for some reason, he would repeatedly hit me and cheat on me. Our relationship lasted 2 years. I know what you're thinking, if he was so awful, why stay with an abuser for 2 years? Why not just leave the first time he hit you or the first time he cheated. I know it's really hard for some people to understand until they actually go through something like that, it's scary and it's all new to you, and he would say he would never do it again and that he loved me but I soon did learn that it's a cycle of violence that needs to be broken so I left for good, he cried but I felt nothing more for him when I left but that doesn't mean I'm not still scared of him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Ethan in a scared and shaky voice. "I came here to get the rest of my stuff." He said. "Ethan, there is nothing left for you here, it's gone!" I said sternly but still scared trying to put on a brave face. He got angry, he had a really short fuse. "Yes there is, I still have my ps4 here!" He said angrily. "Hurry up and get it then, I gotta go!" I said. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked with anger in his voice. "It's none of your business!" I said. "Wait, don't tell me you're actually going to that stupid wrestling tryout you were talking about." He said. "First of all, you know I've been in NXT for a year and it's not a tryout, I had a meeting last week with my boss, he wants me to debut tonight on Monday Night RAW, it's a chance of a lifetime and I'd be stupid to turn it down." I said as I back up a little bit to keep distance from Ethan and I. "How did you manage to do that? Did you sleep your way to the top like you always do?" Ethan asked. "What? No, you of all people should know I've never slept my way to the top, I got where I am because I'm a great athlete and I worked my ass off to get to this point!" I said getting angry myself. "You sure about that?" Ethan said walking closer inside my apartment and closing the front door. I backed up more until I had no more room. Ethan then slams his fist on my coffee table out of anger, I fell onto the couch covering my face out of pure reaction. "You're not going anywhere, the only place you are going is with me so we can work this out!" Ethan yelled. I thought to myself "No, I'm not taking this anymore!" I get up off the couch and grab Ethan's ps4 and the controllers and shoved it in his arms. "Here take it and leave me alone, stop trying to contact me and stop coming to my house!" Ethan grew more angry and was gonna hit me again but I decided to stand my ground. He didn't touch me he called me a bitch then left my apartment and slammed the door. I waited a few minutes for his car to leave before I grabbed my suitcase and bag containing my gear and got in a cab and left.

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