Chapter - 20

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"Asad, what are you doing?", Imraan asked his friend confused. "Shh...", Asad turned around gesturing him to keep quiet. Imraan furrowed his eyes but kept quiet. After a while Asad turned around sighing and ran his hands through his hair tiredly.

"Are you going to explain why you are hiding behind the bush and stalking your wife?", Imraan asked amused. Asad gave him a dirty look but sighed tiredly. "I don't know how to behave around her. I am just grateful she came here so I don't want her to feel uncomfortable having me around", he said.

"Okay...if so, you could just stay away from her, can't you? Why are you lurking around?", Imraan asked. Asad looked sad but brighter all of a sudden, "She's pregnant with my kid. So just making sure she's fine and eating well", he said with a little smile. Imraan shook his head and left after patting his friend on his shoulders.

Haider gave Zoya a weird look seeing her roll her eyes at something, "Zoey, what's with that expression?", he asked. She sighed deeply and sat on a nearby chair holding her bump unconsciously. "Look behind me subtly", she told him. Haider looked up and saw a figure that looked like his friend's husband dodge behind a bush and gave a disbelieving laugh.

"Is that Asad?", he asked incredulously. "Why is he hiding there?". Zoya gave a exasperated sigh and said under her breath, "Maybe he would have realised I would punch him if he came in front of me". Haider laughed out aloud. "Z, maybe you should cut the guy some slack", he said after controlling his laughter. "He genuinely seems excited about the baby. Do you remember Najma coming over to bring you fresh juices and other healthy snacks regularly? I saw Asad give her the tray one time. He is really trying...something", he finished shrugging.

Zoya was surprised at this information but grumbled under her breath and said, "Fine"

Ayaan caught sight of his brother as he took a break from the Sangeet function. He looked exhausted. "Bhai? Are you okay?", he asked concerned. Asad smiled warmly at his not-so-little brother and ruffled his hair affectionately. "Of course I am fine Ayaan, now that I don't have to worry about you ", he said winking playfully.

"Have you not been sleeping again Bhai?", Ayaan asked noticing the dark circles around his brother's eyes and the slight sway in his steps. Asad just shrugged it off. "Bhai, you can't always depend on the sleeping pills. You have to get some help if even they are not helping", he said seriously. Asad laughed bitterly, "I'll be fine Ayaan. After what I did to Zoya I don't think sleeping is a priority", he said offhandedly.

"But bhai, you are not yourself and you will make yourself sick if you go on like this", he said trying to make his brother see some reason. "I can't Ayaan", Asad said rubbing his hands through his face looking tuckered out. "I tried...I really tried to relax and somehow I manage a few hours of sleep and then the nightmares start again and I am back to square one. The memories are just too much...the look in her just forget it Ayaan"

"Did you ever tell her you loved her?", Ayaan asked softly. Asad scoffed, "Did I really love her? If I did I wouldn't have said or done those horrible things to her, would I? I don't deserve her Ayaan. She was just so kind and patient with me. I messed up and now I can only pray she lets me be a part of our child's life", he finished his eyes softening.

Zoya rubbed her belly as she watched the whole scene with silent tears rolling down her eyes. If only she hadn't fallen in love with him, it wouldn't have felt like her heart was breaking all over again.

Zoya was massaging her feet by the end of the night near the pool when a shoe came into her view. She looked up at her husband who was rubbing his hands behind his head awkwardly. "If you are tired you can go and rest in your room", he said cautiously not sure about the look in her eyes.

Zoya stared at him remembering the conversation she had overheard earlier. Had he really loved her back then? Had what he did the result of a one-off rage or was it the truth and he was putting on a show for their baby? She just wasn't sure.

"Do you really care about what happens to me Asad?", she asked him softly. Asad looked startled by the question and was beginning to answer when someone interrupted him.

"Zoey! Look who's here!", Haider said smiling as he came closer to his friend. Zoya broke into a grin when she caught sight of the man standing behind her friend unsure. She rushed forward and enveloped the figure in a tight hug. "Omg Zayn! I'm so happy to see you", she said her voice thick with emotion as tears started flowing down her cheeks.

Asad stood frozen watching his wife hug another man who was supposedly her ex-lover and felt his heart ache. But then he stopped and actually looked at their exchange. Something felt off. He frowned.

Zayn looked...uncomfortable...and kept on fidgeting with his arms flailing around..not hugging her back. Why? He wondered. "Sorry..sorry", Zoya mumbled tearily as she pulled away from Zayn who now started smiling slowly at her.

"How have you been Zayn?", she asked softly not wanting to scare him more. He looked sad but managed a small, "Fine". Zoya sighed. "Did you have dinner yet?", she asked him. Zayn shook his head in negative.

"Shall we go and eat something? There is your favourite dish here", Zoya asked playfully and extended her hands. Zayn looked at her hands for a while and gingerly placed his hands on her. Zoya slowly tugged him inside chattering all the way.

Asad stood there looking more confused than he started. Zayn didn't act...normal but he wasn't sure what was going on. "Asad, who are you gawking at?", Imraan asked as the gang joined in.

Asad ignored his question and focused on Haider who had stepped out earlier to talk on his phone. "What's going on Haider?", he asked him seriously. All his friends gathered around looking at each other confused.

"What do you mean?", Haider asked. "Why was Zayn acting...strange?", he asked bluntly. Haider looked him in the eye as he replied, "Zayn has ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder. So he has some trouble with being around strangers", he said.

Asad and the others looked surprised. The Zayn they painted in their minds didn't match with what they had seen just then. "Now, if you will excuse me I have to go and pick up Zayn's mom", Haider said as he left a puzzled group behind.

Hello guys,

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