𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓

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❝ she's the most beautiful girl i've ever laid my eyes on. ❞


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"nate!" i exclaim in a raspy voice, "hey, someone told me you were a little under the weather today," he gestures to the bag in is hand, "so i got you some stuff, and i was thinking we can watch movies." i melt, "aw nate, you did not have to do this. i would love to, but i don't you sick." he grins, "you really think i'm worried about that? i couldn't care less." i huff, "nate please, i would feel horrible if you got sick because of me." he gives me a sympathetic look, "i don't want you to feel horrible sweetheart, i'm trying to make you feel better." nate offered a small smile, i wanted to let him in and watch movies forever. but it felt wrong, i really didn't want to get him sick. "please evelynn? one movie?" i sigh, knowing one movie will turn into ten. but i can see the hopeful look on his face, i'd hate to crush that. "fine." he excitedly walked in, i walk him to my room and he sets the bag down.
    we lay down and just as we lay down he pulls his phone out. my hearts sinks, he came here just to sit on his phone? "sorry, i gotta text my friend." i smile and nod, i see him scanning through his contacts. i don't wanna be nosy, but when i see 'evelynn' i had to look over.  

Evelynn Doe

he is related to another evelynn, that's funny. i tap his shoulder, he looks over at me. "you have a evelynn is your family?" he looks confused, "what are you talking about?" i feel embarrassed bringing it up now, "i wasn't trying to be nosy, but i saw the name evelynn and i wanted to see what my contact name was but i just saw 'Evelynn Doe'. i just thought it was funny." now he looked super embarrassed, "umm, i- i'm not related to an evelynn." now i'm very confused, "so...you know an evelynn with the same last name as you?" he shakes his head, "no, she has a different last name." i was extremely confused, "why is her last name your last name..oh." my heart drops for the second time, was he talking to another girl? "yea, sorry if that's weird. i can change it." i shake my head, "why would you change it?" he shrugs, "didn't think you'd be comfortable with it." i think for a minute why i wouldn't be comfortable with it, "doesn't matter, it's not my contact." he looks confused, "wait, are we on the same page?" i shrug, "i don't know." he laughs, "i thought you were talking to someone else." he laughs again, "oh no! sweetheart, it's only you." it clicks. "oh! wait, i'm so dumb." i bury my head in his shoulder, "that's my contact name, huh?" he nods, "aww, that's cute." he smiles, "now i have to change yours." he looks at me as i grab my phone, "ooo, what's mine?" i turn away, "nothing." i pulls me back, my head lands on his chest. i giggle as his hand reaches the top of my head and start to play with my hair. i click on nate's contact and delete what it is currently. i type in, 'my future husband<3' and click save. i smile and turn my phone off, "perfect." he mumbles, i grin like an idiot. 

    "what movie first?" i have to think, "indiana jones and the temple of doom." he nods, "quite specfic." i laugh, "i'm a movie fanatic, i always have movies to watch." he laughs. 

i don't think it could get better than this.

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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐞Where stories live. Discover now