3 「S H I F T E R」 2

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point of view

𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐓, Catherine was completely unfolding as she sat there in silence, neither of them speaking, although the radio was playing it was just abnormally low.

This led the atmosphere in the car to become awkward, and Catherine not being able to sit in silence long as she practically felt it eating away at her.

"Jake," She spoke up again desperately, not turning towards the boy in fear that he would be looking at her in disgust. "I swear nothing happened between me and him."

Despite hearing the words she'd been repeating since the movie ended, Jacob didn't seem to respond, the boy completely quiet leaving Catherine to realize that he was still angry with her.

"I shouldn't have been anywhere near him in the first place," Catherine continued to complain as tears once again crept into her eyes, it wasn't her fault she was such a crybaby sometimes. "the moment I thought something was going to happen I was going to leave, I did leave."

Catherine continued in determination, only pausing a few minutes in hopes Jacob would say anything to her, she didn't care what, she just needed to know what he was thinking.

But sadly she would be left in a slump as Jacob once again didn't utter a peep, causing the girl to sigh as her bottom lip began to tremble against her wish.

The took a quick deep breath before running her hand through her hair, she didn't want him to know she was crying or at least about to, she didn't want him to feel bad.

He had every right to be mad at her right now.

"I just didn't want them to keep messing with you," She continued to explain after a few seconds, before shaking her head knowing she shouldn't have spoken to Paul in the first place. "but I shouldn't have said anything, to begin with, it wasn't my business to butt into, and I am so sorry for it Jake-"

The girl cut herself off as she turned towards the younger man, although as she looked at him, her eyebrows almost immediately furrowed as she noticed the state he was in.

His shoulders shaking and convulsing almost unnaturally as he sat in the passenger seat, Catherine could tell his teeth were clenching from his jaw, and for some reason he was clutching his hand to his chest.

"Jake?" She asked as she became filled with worry, the girl constantly glancing between the road and the boy as she was clueless as to what was wrong with him.

"Pull over." Was all Jacob growled out through clenched teeth, the boy still gripping his chest as if he was having some type of heart attack?

"Wha-What-" Catherine attempted to ask as fear grew over her face, the girl was completely confused and worried, but before she could even speak Jacob opened the passenger door.

The car still moving down the long empty backroad, although the moment she saw Jacob pull the door open, Catherine quickly started hitting the brakes.

The young bunny shifter pulled off to the side of the road as quickly as she could, seeing as Jacob was so adamant about getting out of the car.

He did the moment the car, stopped the boy stumbling out of the passenger seat with his hand pressed tightly against his chest, with his shoulders rapidly rising and falling.

"Oh my god." Catherine muttered under her breath as she quickly unbuckled her seatbelt(drive safe kids ;)), exiting the car as fast as she could to make it to Jacob's side.

The girl was quick to rush around the car, however before she could even reach him, Jacob fell onto one of his knees still clutching his chest tightly.

"Jacob," She shouted as she watched him drop, the girl rushing to place her hands on both sides of his face, only to flench back by how hot he was to the touch. "you're burning up."

"Get away from me." Jacob growled out again as his eyes slammed shut, he could feel something clawing at him from underneath his skin.

Something was trying to break its way out of him.

"What?" Catherine asked confused as she looked the boy over, for some reason every thing that was going on was starting to seem familiar to the girl.

"Get away," Jacob spoke as he grabbed a hold of both of her hands in one of his, quickly pulling them away from his face before he flinched in on himself. "something wrong."

Looking over Jacob's entire body, Catherine's eyebrows furrowed farther as she tried to recall why it all seemed so familiar until it hit her dead center in the head.

It looked so familiar because she witnessed it so many times, she'd even partially experienced it.

He was phasing, or rather shifting into another form.

"Your shifting," Catherine spoke in a light and amazed tone, a large smile coming over the girl's face as she jumped back away from him mindblower. "you, you're, you are a shifter."

Repeating the same thing a few times, Catherine looked around in amazement, how did she not see all the signs beforehand?

She'd seen so many people, friends, shift into their animal forms for the first time, growing up where she did there was mass shifting every year for someone's birthday.

"Bunny," Jacob whimpered out the girl's pet name, grabbing her attention as he began to claw at his chest from the pain of forcing down his first shift. "it hurts."

Seeing him claw and yank at his chest, Catherine rushed forwards grabbing a hold of both of his hands in her significantly smaller ones, quickly holding them in her own.

"Stop, stop, stop," She said as she grabbed his hands, the girl fully looking him in the eyes with a sad yet calm smile, she'd heard how much pain fighting down the first shift caused, witnessed it. "stop fighting it, you have to let it happen."

Hearing her words, Jacob started to stare at her completely encompassed by the pain that was in his chest, at least that was until he managed to make eye contact with her.

The moment his dark brown, nearly black, eyes found hers, the pain in his chest just seemed to disappear as a sudden rush of calmness watched over him.

Although it didn't stop his shoulders from shaking or his shift from trying to break out of him, it did stop him from panicking enough to listen to her next words.

"You have to let it come over you," Catherine spoke calmly as she looked him directly in the eyes, the girl nodding her head to coax him into listening to her. "trust me."

Staring at her calmly for a few more seconds, Jacob slowly began to nod his head, causing Catherine to let out a small relieved sigh before she began slowly backing away from the boy.

The girl slowly took large steps back away from the boy, the two maintain eye contact as she moved away from him, but it seemed the further she moved the more his shoulders began to shake.

Until she was fully away from him, around 8 feet away from him that Jacob finally broke eye contact with her as his body folded in on itself.

His hands landed in the grass underneath him, the boy clawing and scratching at the ground as he repositioned himself to be on his hands and knees.

Catherine could only look on as the boy began to shift, she was so curious as to what species he was going to be, she'd met so many prey breeds.

However she knew that Jacob wasn't going to be one of them, it was just something in her head was telling her that he wasn't.

And she was proven right as Jacob suddenly shifted, which Catherine had been expecting a person doesn't just grow additional limbs slowly.

It was a wonder how tv shows got it so wrong, the shift was swift, and you could see every bone moving but it didn't take hours it barely took over two minutes.

(A/N: I totally forgot that Jacob suddenly gets a growth spurt right before his shift, so after he shifts back into his human form he's going to be tall as fuck compared to Catherine)

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