Authors Note

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I can't believe we're here.

The last time I'd posted (for Territorial) it was December 9th, 2021.

When I started Chapter 2, I am *at least* 90% sure it was April of 2022, thought it may have been even earlier. I edited and rewrote that nightmare scene four times— and every time I looked back at it I absolutely. loved. it.

And I didn't want to let something like that sit in my drafts for another year.

I could sum up my absence to the ebb and flow I've experienced for years when it comes to writing, and I could blame it on the things I've gone through this past year and a half, but there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't want to just write.

I've gone through major writers block, but, officially, after 16 months of sitting behind the scenes, I do believe I'm back in the game.

When I left, The Naturals was at 10.1K, and Just Reality was at 7.14K. Now we're sitting at 28.1K and 18.6K, and I could not be more appalled. It is absolutely insane.

I decided to finish Chapter 2 of Territorial and *finally* publish it so that you guys could at least see what had been sitting in wait for a year and a half, and so that I could officially put Territorial on hold for the time being.

But don't worry!

Technically speaking, Territorial has been on hold since the moment it started, BUT now there is a legitimate reason.

This is not the end of the characters! I have literally dozens of One Shot ideas lined up so that I can keep these people going. But in the meantime, I am putting my focus on rewriting (aka, thoroughly editing) The Naturals.

So far I am already two chapters in, and it is 1000 times better (at least in my opinion)

I won't be publishing The Naturals rewrite until it is completely finished, but I do hope that it is something we can all look forward too.

The main storyline will not be changing🚨

My intent is only to make it more believable and original, and axe the absolutely unnecessary scenes that made no effect on the plot whatsoever.

I am very excited to be getting back into this, and I hope to be able to continue creating content that you all love.

I've written five chapters this year (which is five more than last year) and that number will only continue grow.

I'm so glad you guys are here!


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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