Boat House. (Chapter one??)

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Sebastian sat languidly on the deck of the boat house, both legs dangling over the side. He leaned back on his arms, his freckled face staring blankly up at the darkening skies. There was a storm on the horizon.
He looked up when he saw Y/N walking down,sitting next to him. They had been dating since fifth year
"Hello love!" She greeted him rather cheerfully.
He couldn't help but offer her his signature lazy smile and raising a hand. "Evening, beautiful," he replied. "Nice weather we're having, huh?"
He made no move to adjust himself in her company; there was an easy familiarity between them, something that was quite unlike any other relationship he could claim.
She leaned her head against his shoulder,smiling softly.
"I like how you mange to call me something new every day and I've been calling you love for two and a half years."
His eyes slid closed as Y/N pressed herself against him, and he gave her hair a light stroke. "You do make it easy for me," he replied with a little laugh. "And I just like to keep you feeling appreciated, you know?"
"Hm. I suppose I like that you manage to come up with a new thing to call me all the time. It's rather flattering. " Y/N smiled softly.
"Always my pleasure, love," he murmured, glancing down to steal a kiss from her lips.
After a moment, he pulled away again, his expression serious. "What do you reckon, N/N?" he asked, nudging her arm with his own. "What do we do after...well, everything? After Hogwarts, and all that, I mean?"
Y/N thought for a moment.
"Well,I have plans to be a mazoologist. I'd like to study magical beasts. You said you wanted to be a curse breaker,right?
I suppose if we're still together,which I hope we will be,we'll find a place to live together."
A faint smile flickered across his face, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well I definitely don't plan on splitting up any time soon," he offered, slipping a warm arm around her waist and laying his other hand atop hers.
She leaned into his touch,biting her lip as a thought struck her. "do you think we'll get married?"
Sebastian's eyes widened in surprise as that question left Y/N's lips, and he slowly blinked. It took him a moment to process what she was asking him, but once he did, his answer came immediately.
"Of course," he replied. It came without pause; he was sure about his feelings towards her. "If that's what you want, love." He glanced down at her once more, then leaned closer to plant a feather-light kiss on her lips. "I've never loved anyone more."
"After we graduate and get settled down,I suppose it would be nice." Y/N paused for a moment before speaking again.
"Yes,I think it would be nice if we married"
"I'm sure it will be," he echoed, bringing an arm up to lightly stroke Y/N's cheek. "When it comes time for it, we can...I dunno...get to work planning it out. But that's for a few years down the line, isn't it?" His smile had returned by then, warm and easy as ever.
"Of course." She leaned into his touch. She was basically on his lap with his close they are.
"I don't know what I'd do without you," Sebastian told her quietly. His hand shifted to cup her jaw, a thumb rubbing along her cheek as he gazed down at her.
"I'm never letting you go," he promised, placing another kiss to her lips.
She kissed back,wrapping her arms around his shoulders,and he leaned towards her, deepening that kiss a little before letting her pull away again. "You're amazing, you know that?" he murmured, a gentle smile on his face as they parted again.
"I love you,Seb." Y/N spoke,looking up at him.
"I love you too, Y/N," he told her quietly, his expression soft. For a moment longer, he stayed like that: his hand resting on her shoulder, his head tilted down to gaze into her soft E/C eyes. Then he raised it a little, and kissed her again, lingering for a second or two longer than he had last time.
She kissed him back,enjoying the feeling of his lips on hers. In the middle of their kiss,Y/N felt a few drops of rain hit her. In a second,it was pouring. The two jumped up,and Y/N grabbed Sebastian by the hand and pulled him into the boat house,which just happened to be the nearest structure.
His grip tightened around Y/N's wrist as he scrambled to his feet, then pulled her indoors.
Only after the two were safely nestled inside did he laugh at their little dash through the rain; they were both drenched already. "Well, there's that storm we were waiting for," he chuckled, shaking the water from his hair.
Y/N giggled. "I suppose we'll have to stay in the boat house for a bit,I doubt we could make it back to the castle in all this rain"
"Yeah, it could be a while," he agreed, pulling out a wand and performing a quick spell to dry them both.
"Besides," he added with a sly wink, "we've a boat house to ourselves until the storm lets up. What's to stop us from making good on this time?" His smile widened, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone.
Y/n blushed,hiding her face in his chest. This topic always flustered her,though it was a topic that Sebastian brought up regularly.
"Hey now, I didn't mean to make you blush," he said, leaning down to kiss her head. "But you've got to admit; there's few things better than a bit of snogging with your girlfriend, is there?" His fingers gently cradled her chin, and he caressed her cheek with his thumb. "Especially when it's just the two of you."
Y/N leaned up to kiss him,seemingly gaining confidence. She pulled him closer deepening the kiss.
And that was his signal.
Sebastian pulled her to him, one arm wrapping firmly around her shoulders, as he returned her kiss boldly and with passion.
All he wanted was to be close to her, to drown himself in their love.
His free hand traced her cheek as they locked lips, a soft sound of contentment leaving him as they were swept away in the moment.
Y/n pulled herself up on to his lap to straddle him as she continued to kiss him.
A low chuckle escaped Sebastian as Y/N climbed onto his lap, surprised but certainly not unwelcoming. His hands slowly began to trail down her sides, but they moved no further; for now, he just wanted to kiss her.
He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist as he matched (if not surpassed) her passion and enthusiasm.
Her hair fell into her face as she kissed him,opening her mouth to let him take the kiss farther.
His eyes widened slightly as Lyra opened her mouth to him, inviting him in, and he wasted no time on taking the opportunity.
Their tongues entangled passionately, and his mind went blank as they kissed. He pulled her nearer still, letting his fingers curl into her hair as he savoured the moment.
She let him take the lead like always,practically melting into his touch.
It didn't remain like that for long.
After moments of being driven by his passion, he found himself wanting more.
Their tongues stayed tangled, and his fingers stayed entwined in Y/N's hair, but with a light pull he began to gently shift their positions so that it was Y/N beneath him...and so that he could take charge.
"You liking this?" he breathed huskily, and his smile grew a touch more daring. His free palm rested on her hip, and was beginning to wander somewhere else now that he'd assumed the lead.
She lightly gasped and nodded.
"Then I'll keep going, darling."
His expression was one of confidence; he was clearly getting used to this. And the confidence he wore on his face only grew as, with a smirk, he whispered into Lyra's ear, "Just lay back...I've got you." And with another slight tug on her hair, he did just that.
Y/N's eyes widened when he tugged her hair,and she covered her mouth as she nearly moaned.
He could feel her body trembling as his grip tightened.
"You're so cute, you know that?" he whispered in a moment of respite, his eyes drifting back down to hers. A light tug on her hair again, and he leaned in to claim her lips once more, his fingers finally drifting up to trace her collar bone sensually.
She whimpered,not sure why she liked the feeling of him gently tugging her hair as much as she did.
Of course, the fact that she liked it only made him do it the more. His hand kept playing with Lyra's hair as they kissed, and his other hand moved lower and lower, towards more... interesting parts of her body.
She gasped when he touched her cunt softly,only giving her the slightest bit of stimulation.
"Mmm..." He hummed into her lips, pausing their kiss a moment to lean in and whisper, "You like that,love?"
A warm breath fanned across her cheek as a grin slid onto his face.
She whimpered,feeling him gently part her thighs. "O-oh... oh Merlin..."
"Oh?" Sebastian chuckled, his tone light as a feather as he let his fingers caress her cunt tenderly.
His eyes stayed locked on Y/N's, but a mischievous little grin danced across his face as he continued to speak. "You like this? You like it when I do this to you?"
"Y-Yes...please-" She gripped the front of his shirt,letting out barely audible moans.
His eyebrows raised in surprise, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile that said all there was to know.
"Say it again," he whispered into her ear. "But louder."
Lyra bit her lip,looking up at him in desperation.
Without another word, he leaned down to softly claim her lips for a moment, before trailing little kisses across her jaw, her cheek, and then to her ear. He was enjoying this game; it seemed she was too, if the desperate look she was giving him was anything to go by.
She felt him part her legs farther,and she blushed,hiding her face with her hands.
"You don't need to be shy, love," Sebastian muttered, his voice low and husky. His free hand rested on her hip, his thumb tracing along her skin. "I'll make you as embarrassed as you want," he teased, "but not right now." His lips returned to hers then, his tongue brushing lightly at her own.
There, her attention was back on him, for better or for worse. All he needed to do now was keep it there while he...explored.
Lyra leaned into the kiss,still letting him take control. She felt his hand rub her cunt harder and she moaned into the kiss.
He trailed another kiss to her cheek before whispering in her ear again; "Tell me what you want,baby"
Lyra whimpered,her mouth falling open in pleasure thanks to his hand down her skirt.
"P-Please...I need you...I need you inside me"
"Well aren't you eager," Sebastian said with the slightest, yet playful tone of surprise. He looked into her eyes, one brow raised in mock curiosity. "Well, who am I to turn down a pretty girl like you when you ask like that?" He pressed a kiss, soft and sweet, to her lips. His tongue played with her for a few moments, then he pulled back and looked down at her with an amused expression. "Anything else?"
She shook her head "please..."
She whined when he took his hand out of her skirt.
"Right, right," he replied quickly, clearly already starting to unbutton the buttons on his shirt.
As he did, he looked up again, and his expression was one of sheer admiration, at how Lyra looked laying below him. "You're beautiful," he whispered quietly, his gaze lingering fondly on her.
The only word for her in that moment was *stunning.* It did little to show how much she meant to him, but it was still better than anything else that came to mind.
Lyra looked up at his shirtless form,the blush on her cheeks darkened. She reached a hand up to touch his bare chest,but pulled in back down instantly in embarrassment.
The fact that she still seemed unsure of touching him - despite all that had happened between them - made him chuckle. "Don't be shy, darling," he told her kindly, then offered a small wink. "You've the right to do as you wish...after all, you're my love, and I'm yours."
Sebastians free arm rested across her shoulders, and he leaned in close once more, bringing a hand to her cheek. "Now then. What would you like?" he coaxed gently; he was enjoying seeing her like this.
She slowly undid the first few buttons on her shirt,blushing the whole time.
His eyes went wide once more when she undid the buttons, and he seemed surprised at just how quickly she'd responded to his words. A light smirk spread across his face.
"Someone's eager, I see," he teased lightheartedly. He made no move to hinder her as she undid her buttons.
"I love when you're like this," he said, in almost an admiring way. "It's very cute, you know that?"
She bit her lip,looking up at him. Her bare chest was exposed and her legs were still spread. She couldn't help her eyes from wandering to his bare chest.
His smirk widened, and he leaned down for another kiss, this time allowing his hand to drift slightly lower, his fingers brushing gently at the fabric of her skirt.
"Do you like that?" he asked, whispering into her ear, his other hand gently stroking her chest "My hand, right here, on your skirt?" He shifted his fingers lightly along the fabric, his smile growing. "Would you like me to...remove it?"
Y/N let out a small whimper and nodded.
All this over the removal of a piece of clothing, he thought, a chuckle escaping him.
"Anything for you, love."
With a gentle tug, he began to slowly undo Y/N's buttons, his fingers tracing the fabric of her skirt as it dropped away. He gave it one final tug, pulling it all the way down and tossing it into the corner, leaving him a clear view of her bare thighs.
She bit her lip,feeling him begin to run his hand across her thighs. He toyed with the waistband of her undergarments,and she gasped when he dipped his hand in.
"That's what you like, love?" he whispered, his voice low and husky as he ran his other hand along her exposed thighs. "Or is there something else?" He was teasing, his tone light and playful.
She let out a soft moan as he touched her cunt
"Oh...oh my- Sebastian-"
"Yes, love?" he whispered, pulling his hand away from her for the briefest of moments. "Tell me what you want."
He moved to kiss her cheek again, his other hand still resting on her thigh. That hand was trembling slightly, an undeniable proof of the effect Y/N was having on him. "I won't deny you, love....I'll never deny you anything."
"Please...I need you inside of me."
Her breathing hitched when he slid her undergarments off,leaving her completely exposed in front of him.
His smile only widened at her words; even though she was telling him something he already knew, he still relished the sound of his name on her lips.
Without another word, he pulled away from her, A moment later, his breeches dropped to the ground, and his eyes trailed back down to her body, his mind racing with the thoughts that he had.
She glanced down,and had to tear her eyes away afterwards. She never got used to seeing how big Sebastian's length was*
"Just...remember to be gentle..."

The suddenness of her request caught him off guard, but he didn't hesitate to respond in kind.
"Of course," he whispered, his voice soft but confident. "You know I'll always be gentle with you, my love." He didn't know how to tell her how much her words meant to him, how much he appreciated her kindness, her sweetness. Instead, he simply kissed her cheek, a tender, loving kiss before whispering once more. "I love you."
Y/N nodded.
When he gently started to push into her,she gasped,finding his hand and grabbing hold of it. It hurt for a moment at first,but as he gave her time to adjust the pain gave way to pleasure and he was able to start thrusting softly.
"I'll go as slow as you need, love..."
He whispered those words with an obvious, deep passion, and they were true. He'd never rush her. All he ever wanted was for Y/N to be happy, comfortable, to feel safe and secure. He would do anything to make that happen.
His movements were careful, and slow, only getting faster as she allowed it. The sound of her gasps and whimpers only added fuel to the fire, the two of them growing more and more passionate...and it only became harder for the both of them to resist.
She tried to hold her moans back at first,but eventually she was in too much pleasure to do that. She couldn't stop herself from moaning,occasionally moaning Sebastian's name
"Oh- oh Merlin. Sebastian-"
His mind was running a mile a minute as he heard Y/N's breathy moans, and that was without considering how he felt at that moment. At the sound of his name on her lips, his mouth felt dry and his heartbeat rose even more, if only to match the pace of his breaths.
"I love you, Lyra," he whispered, kissing her with renewed passion, "I love you."
"S-Sebastian!" She moaning his name,whimpering as his thrusts sped up.
When her cries began to grow louder, so did his own enthusiasm. It was one thing to have her express that satisfaction in was another to hear her scream it.
"Gods, Y/N" he whispered, his voice hoarse. "Your voice gets me every time, love." And what was he to make of her whimpering? Each sound filled him with a rush of confidence, a little boost of energy each time he heard it.
His movements continued, faster now, and with greater force.
"Seb- I'm going to-"
She was cut off by a moan.
The knowledge that he'd driven her to that point only drove him to try and do the same. A deep, masculine groan escaped his lips, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, the intensity of Y/N's moans and his desire only increasing as it went on.
"Your...going to what?" he whispered, and it was only then that he realized what she'd been trying to say. "Are you...? Are you...?"
She couldn't hold back. She climaxed with a loud cry of Sebastian's name,her legs shaking as she came.
His own breath hitched at her cries, and the suddenness of her climax took him completely by surprise. It was enough to tip his pleasure just that little bit higher.
"Oh, love," he whispered, his voice trembling with feeling. "Gods above, Lyra, you're perfect..."
After he pulled out and finished,she lay on the ground,trying to catch her breath.
He watched Lyra with pride - pride in himself and pride that she let him do this to her.
Without saying a word, Sebastian crawled up to her and wrapped her in his arms, still shaking with the adrenaline and pleasure of what they'd achieved together. "How are you feeling, love?" he whispered, with her head resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around her.
"Oh Merlin...that was..."She let out a small laugh "it was amazing,love."
She pulled away,quickly gathering her clothes from the corner they had been tossed in and putting them on. She tossed Sebastian's shirt at him.
He laughed - not a loud, laugh, but a soft, pleasant burst of laughter.
"So you think I did a good job, then?" he said, his voice warm and sweet. "I take it you enjoyed it?"
He raised himself up on his elbow, and placed a light kiss on the top of her head.
She nodded,glancing outside as she buttoned her shirt "it stopped raining,I suppose we should head back to the castle"
"I would use getting caught out again, right?" Sebastian whispered, smiling at her.
With a soft kiss on her cheek, he climbed to his feet and reached out his hand to offer her his support. "Shall I carry you, love?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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