the truth part 2//4.

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Troye rushed over to the doctor while Tyler and Joey walked over hesitantly. "We have to run a couple more tests but you can see Mr. Franta." Troye nodded sadly and walked into the room. Tyler stopped Joey from going in. "Give him some time." Joey nodded.
Troye sat down. "Con why did you do it?" He pushed the hair out of Connors face. "You are so amazing and beautiful. Everything about you is perfect I wish you could hear me...I love you Connor." "I love you too Troye." A quiet voice whispered. Troye looked up to see two green eyes starring back. "C-Connor?!?" "What happened?" Connor asked confused. As Troye explained the situation the doctor walked in and looked at Connor surprised. "Mr. Franta...we need to take a couple more tests and if everything goes well you can go home but you'll need to talk to a psychiatrist." He said. Connor's eyes widen in fear. Connor didn't like talking about his problems he felt like a pathetic loser but he nodded anyway he just wanted to be alone with Troye. But as soon as the doctor left Tyler and joey walked in. Connor sighed and looked at Troye who was standing there with this adorable look on his face.

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