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" Yes ! I talked to him about half an hour ago. He said : he is on his way.....

He is going to be late again today . You can bet on it .
He would be lying on his bed otherwise just forget it that he is going to come on time".

"I can't be earlier then this " taehyung replied .

"I can't be earlier then this " taehyung replied

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"Oh so kind of you to come over here . Now please be kind enough for one more thing !
Teahyung : what's that ?

Friends: win this match for us . This match is against girl's. Its about our respect.

Teahyung : that's it . Let's go and play with this girls then.

Teahyung pov :
All the players had come and all the girls players too, but as soon as she came to the floor, my heart started beating again .

Teahyung pov :All the players had come and all the girls players too, but as soon as she came to the floor, my heart started beating again

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She smirked at me with her glossy pink lips .

(The whistler whistle and the game starts).

Come on teahyung go . Yes , yes go
Wohoo . Boys team was close to win.

Jisoo pov :
The boys team were very close to win but suddenly i stop taehyung and asked him to give ball ( please ) i request . He smiles at me and give me that ball .

Yeah come on wohoo girls scream .
We won the match . Teahyung was very happy and start clapping with our team .his all friend start staring angrily at him .

Teahyung : wohoo! You did it jisoo .
Jisoo : thank you very much my babe .

After match in break time .
Friend : I don't get it . You're playing on our side but still giving passes to jisoo , what's the matter ?

Teahyung replied : i have gave her my heart four years ago abd you're talking about giving pass ? ( Teahyung laugh softly )

But still its a match, his friend said .
Teahyung : go away ( he said politely )
Friend : but why .
Teahyung : look over there .
Friend : oh she is coming over here only , ok bye .

Teahyung pov :
Jisoo was going home from college with her friend rosé .

Teahyung pov : Jisoo was going home from college with her friend rosé

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