A Mission

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After everyone got passed their shock everyone had gotten ready and met at the train station. The ride an easy one since they are just going the mountain for a three day walk up. The monster is said to be up there on the top in a cave. It comes down every so often to snatch a villager or livestock whichever it craves never to be seen again. Laxus and Erza formed a battle plan that they all agreed on. Erza, Lucy, Trix and Gray up front, Laxus with happy in the air and Wendy with Carla in the air. Together they almost successfully beat the monster. Its magic seemed to suddenly spike shooting out icicles from its back. Lucy lost both Virgo and Leo, Gray got knocked back and Erza was pinned to the ground in massive icicles. Trix noticed how it never attacked her. This whole time she's been watching its movements and how its not fighting to kill. Why is it snatching people? Never to be found? Wolves don't eat bones so where are the bones? Wolves travel in packs too so where is this ones? Wait think, who were the people it snatched? Livestock she understood. It had to eat somehow. But why the people? They were all mages she knows that much. Is it under  spell it wants to be free from? No, it would be something more. Suddenly trix realized why its alone and not in a pack, why its not attaching in a murderous rage like a demon would, and why it has been taking mages. They've all been teaching mages. This is a person stuck in some kind of form! "Everyone stop!" She yells standing in front of the wolf, "You too. We can help you." Trix stands strong staring it down. Her team stand next to her when the wolf sits down looking at them blowing out puffs of cold clouds.

Holding her hands out, "I need you to focus. Look at my human body. Think what did yours look like? Your hair, your eyes, your skin color, shoulders, arms, waist, legs and feet. Come on, focus and feel your body. Feel them limb by limb. Focus your magical energy into it." Trix explains softly like she did with Happy. The team stares at her completely confused. However it works, the giant ice wolf transforms.

"I was not expecting that at all'

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"I was not expecting that at all'. Trix gasps shocked to find a child. No wonder it was teachers taken, shes just a child that tried to use her magic and got stuck in the transformation magic. It can happen and shes shocked  the little girl was stuck for so long. Where are her parents? Trix leans down next to the child in tears and feeling timid next to them. "hey, you're okay now. Where are your parents? I am sure they are worried, and I only want to help. And do you know where your teachers are?" Trix tries to soothe the child. She smiles as the child sobs out loud and runs into her chest and open arms. "I accidentally hurt them when the bad men started hurting them. I lost control and i tried my best to get help but I hurt them too. Their deep in the cave safe from the weather, I put up an ice shield." The child cried in such a sadness that Lucy leaned down to hug the girl as well. Erza, Gray, and Wendy went after the teachers in the cave. Laxus stayed behind keeping watch over the girls. The trio came out with a group of teachers and so the team made the trip down the mountain. Trix held the child in her arms as she trudges through the snow. Laxus not liking that either of them are so deep in the snow, picks the child up and hands her to Happy who happily flies her over the snow while Laxus picks up Trix and puts her on his shoulders. Trix doesn't complain as his body starts to warm her own back up.

The group get extra money for saving the teachers and stopping the giant wolf. The team takes the little girl with them, so that she can safely learn her magic. On the way back Trix falls alseep leaning into Lucy and cuddles her close. Lucy has the little girl cuddled into her side and happy is cuddled into the little girls side. Laxus sat in their booth next to the window with Trix next to him. Erza, Gray and wendy all sat on the other side of the booth. Lucy wakes up seeing her predicament. Giggling as she is being used as a pillow by two people. "Laxus would you take Trix while I grab her." Lucy whispers as the train stops and the team head for the guild.

Laxus instead of heading to the guild heads to his house with Trix cuddled in his arms. He slipped away without anyone noticing. Little Phoenix has a promise to keep. He had all of his belonging brought out from storage so she could help him decorate his home.
Laxus carries her to his bedroom and lays her gently on the bed. Stripping out of his pants and into some shorts, he crawls in bed next to her falling fast asleep.
The next morning, he gets up early to go and get them some breakfast hoping to be back before she wakes up. Trixie wakes up in a massive bed with tons of boxes scattered across the floor. She finds no sign of laxus, but smells his scent around, so she knows this is his house, deciding to keep her promise she immediately starts working on the boxes inside. As she is unloading some of his boxes, she decides that she might be spending a couple nights here and goes ahead and starts to unpack some of her stuff from her Requip space. Deciding she still tired and Laxus is not home yet she crawls back inside his massive bed after having decorated the entire house and unpacking all the boxes.
Laxus comes home slightly frustrated with Mira. He stops in his tracks realizing that his house looks good. To his amazement she has unpacked every single one of his boxes. He smirks seeing some of her stuff laid out as if she lived here as well deciding to look for her, he finds her in the bedroom, fast asleep again, chuckling at her, he sits down on the edge of the bed. Whispering softly, " come on Trixie it's time to get up, I've brought some breakfast for us." Trix groans from being woken up again. Opening one eye to look at the food she decides to get up. " I see you have some of your stuff laid out within the house?" Laxus smirks as he looks down at her, taking her plate of breakfast, with a smile on her face. Trix giggles as she looks up at him, " yeah, I am packed a few things. After all, I figured, I might be staying here a couple days if that's OK with you seeing as though we're good friends now." Laxus felt his inner dragon growl at her comment.
Holding her chin to face him as he gives her a serious, but warm expression, " I am a friend for now, but I would like to date you."

Beatrice of FairytailWhere stories live. Discover now